
that's crazyyy, also who else was here before he started making music???


i’m so sorry
ps love ur music ❤❤❤


I love you’re music! Your parents are proud of you ❤


I love your music you have helped me trough so much and all your music can really relate to everything and everyone thank you soo much


Alex you helped me through my brother passing/he was my best friend and it’s been a little more than a year but it really hurt’s especially when he was the only person to talk to . THANK YOU SO MUCH THO


Glad you found the one that filled the holes of pain for you ❤❤❤❤ ILY!


I heard this on the radio today! I was so excited! I was like I follow this guy on YouTube! ❤😊


Saw you on the show so gooood made my mom play it again 😂❤❤❤❤ love you’re music


Oof Alex, that must've sucked. We still love and support you! You make amazing music!


This music journey is working out great for you. So glad you’re getting to live your dreams!🫶🏻


Ty for making  it you'll be alright kid it helps every day


May they rest in peace and look over you from heaven. 🙏


Same!!!!! I lost my parents when I was 11 (5 years on November 16th)


i’m sorry alex ❤


I sneezed and you said, bless you😬


shouldn't  have to prove anything Alex. life's hard enough with out weired people questioning you about them who would say that  about their folks if weren't true. I see 
your unboxing of them bless you.. ❤ this it's  such a beautiful song play it at least 10 times a day 😂😂


Oh I’m so sorry Alex 💗


it’s so sad that his parents died in that car crash. such a tragedy😢


i am going to Nashville in three and want to meet yall soo bad. love yall❤❤


I love your music so so much, I currently have one of your songs stuck in my head