
Dude had no idea what Steve smith was tryna say…. 😂
“He called you a 🥷 ?”


Steve Smith be handing out tier 1 roasts.


Those red Bills unis opposite those giants throwbacks gotta be the cleanest look for two teams all season.


Thanks for the video budleewiser! This week was awesome when it came to fights + heated moments. Back to back pregame fights, a fight that resulted in about 5 personal foul penalties, and a punter trying to headbutt opposing teams player on top of that.


I will never understand how 1 penalty offsets 3 other penalties.


Allen protected his number 79


Steve Smith was always my favorite player that wasn't on my home team. His aggressive play style was so refreshing.  Hines ward is right there too.


I love Steve Smith Sr. He could still make today's NFL CB's ice up.


Thanks Budlee for giving us another banger video. I'm looking foward for controvesial calls video 🙂


I love watching football fights


9:01 that WOOOOOOOO sound tho


Steve needs to unretire and 1v1 Jeudy


Steve smith was SPOT on too 😂😂😂


Steve Smith Sr. letting everybody know how he really feels lol


Giants showing that 1-5 energy 💪


7:05 dude. That was awesome. Football has changed since late 80’s


One of my favorite moments from this week was after Craig Reynolds had the block on Tampa. The guy he blocked was upset and in his face after he popped back up from getting thrown


LMFAO🤣💀That Flop Though🤣💀 8:07


2:22 Seahawks fan just smiles...


ty budlee for posting this video, keep doing what your doing man, your gonna be one of the best youtuber ever man.