Not even going to lie, but when Jake scared Tom, he scared me too lol...
Lady:faints Tom: I'm not a doctor I'm and actor 😂
SHE HAS NO PULSE- oh wait no, nevermind
when the interviewer asks him if the 3 spidermen would meet he looks terrified 😂
Tom Holland would be amazing to be friends with
The one dislike is chris hemsworth
I don’t know what crows Toms seeing or hearing if a crow makes that sound I’d run for my damn life
tom being so excited about the dolphin noises actually makes me cry aww
The only thing I don’t like about the video is that the background music was louder then the talking
Marvel calling the blip "the blip" is like Ireland calling the troubles "the troubles". An understatement of something that was actually horrible.
Tom is fecking adorable and you can't argue with me
When he tried to imitate a crow I died of laughter 😂🤣😂
7:14 the way Tom's reacting makes me think the plot of NWH was already in the works even during FFH release/promo
2:07 lmaooo this is exactly like that Spider-Man meme where there’s 3 Spidermen all pointing at each other
Tom:I’m not a doctor I’m an actor Me: then act like a doctor
15:01 he is trying sooooo hard not to spoil Marvel must be proud that he didn’t spoil it
As jake scared tom tom was ready to punch him 😂
5:50 his laugh is so adorable
Him starting to freestyle bc he thought the card meant rapping will always kill me 😂