
chat I'm not gonna lie they pulled this one back from where it started💀

ALSO check out my NEW ROBLOX ITEM in the catalog🧸


finally not a starter house ❤


The landscaping pulls it together ngl, the house alone could be alot better but still so good😭😭


WHOEVER was doing the landscaping and adding the extra details on the house came in clutch,


why is this better than any faulty build


Yaasssss fire i love hearing them talk while i complete my crochet projects and builds and college work etc


Faultys fans be cookin!!!!


I plan on being there tmmr for the interior let’s hope i make it 😭🙏 
edit: chat I was not there


Is that joy from inside out!?!


you absolutely cooked with the ugc🔥🔥(by you i meant ur roomate)


The "Ariana Grenade" got me lackin' fr


0:59 faulty is so nice and loving to us fans


I was one of the builders I was the gardener and Ty for letting us build it was a lovely experience ❤ love ur videos 😊




Legendary moment of Faulty not building a starter home.


7:00 literally no one clapped after the movie when i went 💀


6:47 ✨️ARiAnA GRiAnDE✨️


13:00 “Ariana Grenade”💀


Faulty if i don’t reply to me I will find u.


2:52 I spat my drink out 😂😂