Thank you for using beginner friendly cameras and explanations. It’s really appreciated as the photography world veterans can be intimidating for newbies
Excellent, clear tutorial. Many have the knowledge but not all are teachers !
Thank you very much for taking the time to show all of your tips and tricks on both Canon and Nikon cameras. Cheers from Montreal, Canada!
Good tip! I've never used this feature. I will try it out!
Excellent, well done 👏 Paul
Great video Paul, picture styles on the Canon are very creative and useful!
Brilliant - a good refresher for this item.
Another amazing video Paul-With every video comes new idea's for all
Love the explanation of picture style for my Canon camera 📸👍🏼. Thanks Paul.
For Nikon, although there are no separate custom options, one can edit all the preset ones per their preference, and also default to the inbuilt styles when required.
With Canon if you use DPP4 to edit & shoot in raw with a custom picture style or a modified style like faithful for example, it will show the settings you have changed as the starting point of your raw image.
This was a very helpful video. I'm still learning. Over 50 of photography mostly slr film. I've only been doing digital since 08 and there is still lots to learn. 5hanks for the video
Very good information, keep it up Paul Sir, Thanks.
Your videos are great. It is like a personalised photography course at college or university.
I use raw + JPG. I made a picture style that has a lot of contrast and saturation. On Mondays I post monochrome monday photos. I sometimes convert a jpg that I have and mess with settings until I like it. Once in a while I will switch to monochrome in camera .
Great info and something new to try. 👏👏👏
Simplifying things the way you do is amazing
Great videos Paul. I’m shooting a Canon T6 with a 18-55 and a EF-S 55-200. I have learn a lot from you in the last 2 weeks. I break your information down into little “cheat sheets” on sunrise, sunsets, moon, waterfalls, portraits etc. Do you have any cheat sheets for the Canon? Thank you. Take care. Bill from Boston