
Wow you are so creative around there , love the welding job looks great !!! I’m retired from my ranch so I get to enjoy Tyler’s farm following you around doing all the things you do !!! lol love the cows and calves ❤ thanks for sharing Tyler…..


Another great day on the ranch! The loading chute is looking great! Love all the little stories of the ranch and your grandpa that you throw in each time.


I'd say your grandpa would be very pleased with all you have accomplished.


😃 Nice job. And by the end the sun came out. Have a great day. It’s really nice that people from all over the world are watching your videos Tyler. That’s really GREAT!!! 👍🏻


Good morning Farmer Tyler Family. Have a productive and fulfilling day.


YOUR WORK NEVER FAILS TO AMAZE ME….. absalutly wonderful xxx


From watching your videos, one might conclude that welding is the major skill for a farmer.


who knew being a rancher would require so much metal fabrication, cutting and welding.  It seems like you have become a master welder.


Another great day.  I love the irony of running out of gas, but not sunshine!  :)


I copy the lady below 😂🤣 I'm 66 and am for whatever reason saw drawn to your videos. I've honestly never seen a bad or boring one!! I do love all animals, so that's probably what drove us to you. But we stayed because my husband and I think your videos are so interesting. Your a talented welder, a great problem solver and so great with your animals..... ALL of them. 😊 Keep up the great work!!!




Thanks Tyler for all your hard work both on the farm and in editing these videos. Best wishes from Dublin, Ireland.


As Always Great Work Tyler, looking good and Keep Pushing!


Love all the video's  and all the hard work your doing to improve your farm


Straight lines always look nice. You're doing an awesome job.
Have a great end to this week.
Don't forget this is time change weekend.


In Australia we'd say "that gate is built like a brick shithouse" ! ........ (massive compliment by the way !!)


I totally agree with all these Caroledwards. Tyler is the real deal nothing false about him. The way he talks, I think he is very well educated, he also has a great sense of humour. Tyler fixes everything to save his family money. He works real hard on his own most of the time. From a farming life myself I love the way he cares about the welfare of his stock


Love the little guitar bit at the beginning … more, more! 
I did notice and was going to ask about the peeled back tin possibly being a hazard to cows passing by. I’m looking forward to seeing you do the next steps. ❤


II wonder if the cows will notice the new chute setup??  Yes, I noticed the wood in the side of the barn and wondered what the heck it was for, glad you are going to fix it 😊


Another great video farmer Tyler ranch hopefully soon you guys will get a a day or two of rain I know it slows the work down. Outside but it will hopefully get the vetch seed growing in the hayfields and pasture