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I have to confess. I enjoy throwing around frisbees but there are not many good courses in my area and I got sick of driving far to play disc golf instead of being able to play a quick round. Because of this I get bored of disc golf and don’t find myself playing very often. But you men make some of the best content I have ever seen for a sport. You cover every possible aspects of disc golf and you make this small sport so entertaining. Disc golf is indebted to the whole foundation staff! Trevor is a best friend, Hunter is a mastermind, and Konner is a gem! I can’t stop watching you guys!


There’s so many solid catch phrases in this one that would make great custom stamps. I desperately want a Trevor stamp throwing out of a bunch of Christmas trees with the word “bushwhacked!” across it. Haha!


That disc is a gateway prototype, it is prototype 47. I know this because I used to run a disc golf blog that got sponsored by gateway a few times. Also I still have that disc, I am holding it in my hand as I type this comment.


Love seeing New London as much as we can while we can.


Played against a guy that showed up with three discs in a plastic shopping bag. Got spanked six ways to Sunday.


I’m literally crying 🤣🤣🤣 best video by far. One liners are on point 🤣


the finnick edit may be the most surpising thing in any foundation video ever


16:58 funniest thing Trevor has ever said 😂


What a wild video.  Love the confidence yall are implementing in being yourselves.  Sounds like a bash maybe but watched some old videos and I’m so glad you guys are embracing your wild, weird amazing selves so I can relate. Cause I am that’s as well


Has got to be the funniest video in   A while 😂😂 yall were all on it


"make all 4 walls white and as boring as possible" said every person ever making a disc golf store 🤣 still can't wait to come visit the store soon!


Video idea: Konner & Silas, all 18 holes as best shot dubs. Hunter & Trevor: first 6 holes worst shot(both must make putt), next 6 holes best score(individual), and final 6 holes best shot.


14:42 “I’m about to get into a fight with a Christmas Tree…*loony toon screams*” 😂


I just can't. You guys were on one! Love it!


all time great vid from foundation, s-tier vibe today


I ended up with that grace! Thanks for the great beat in disc. Loved the store


Pov-The yellow disc stuck in the tree behind hunter 19:42


be very afraid of the dude with 6 beat in discs in a starter bag


FINALLY, LOVE FOR THE REACTOR!!!! REACTOR>any other midrange 🤷‍♂️ It’s a hex but better