
a man who listens >>>>


I was ready for the asparagus😭😭


The flower shops are probably making BANK of this trend😭


I would be mad af if I got that "we could've spend that on a holiday!" 😂


Not me thinking she Received a whole ass asparagus bouquet


Not me thinking it was asparagus


Why did I think he chopped the top part off 😭


I think a more thoughtfully put together bouquet of 2-4 different types of flowers she likes would be a lot prettier and shows a little more thought than just “big rose”

If they just really like roses then maybe a rose/week so they always have a live rose for their desk or something. This is needlessly expensive, will be dead within a week, and doesn’t even look all that great


Those are 87 flowers 🌹 
I counted them


Bro the flower seller are gonna be rich after this trend


How thoughtful. Now find a vase that'll fit it.




At first I thought he cut of all the flowers and just gave u the stems😭


She is actually so pretty ✨❤


me trying to count all the roses to guess


I 💗your dog it is soooo cute by the way I am a big fan!


I thought it was a vegetable 😂


Hayley Kalil Got us all Twisted up 😂


520 roses 🌹🌹
It's gonna be definitely correct 💯
I'm confident bcoz of all Chinese, Korean and Thai dramas . 😁😆


98 flowers? And omg those are so pretty