What a beautiful song😢
Una música muy bonita me encanta ☺️
Sitting on the bus going back home again, looking out at the nearly full Moon. So high up in the night sky. Listening to this incredible song and rendition, version. Very beautiful. Your vocals and expression. 👌 Found you today on the Christian tv channel here in the UK. God bless 🙏
Actually Tracy Chapman is thrilled with this cover. You cover a tune because it's a great tune. This is how music that is pure lives forever. She's also getting mega royalties all over again.
This is one of Luke’s favorite songs. No way he was gonna change the lyrics and keep it simple
My papa died. This is why I’m listening to this song.😢😢😢😢❤❤
I appreciate the fact that Luke understood the perfection and simplistic beauty of Chapman’s song and kept his cover true to the original.
I am so pleased with this cover of a song that was an icon of the late 80s and still is today. Very thoughtfully done. It's timeless and Luke kept it that way. I think this shows a tremendous understanding of the original and the impact it had that has lasted this long. I loved it then, I love it now.
Never would’ve found Tracy’s original if I hadn’t heard this version first, and both of them pull my guts out to listen to. I left college just before covid, and I’ve been looking after my dad ever since, but he’s been in hospital for the past few weeks, and I’m so scared for him, but sometimes I look down the road and want to just disappear with the love of my life. I know it’s selfish, and I won’t, but the thought of just leaving, living and loving… it hits me.
An ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT tribute to Ms Chapman. This was outstanding!! Bravo to Luke and Ms Chapman for making this beautiful song!
See my old mans got a problem When you fight in the war thats the way it is. His bodys all scarred and broken Yet He stilll does everything for us 3 kids. Love you dad! HOORAH!
My Mom always listening to this song, therefore it's stuck on my head and now it's one of my fav songs
"Leave tonight or live and die this way..." Glad to see this tune back at the top. Some songs transend generations. I still have this vinyl. Chapman was a poet - a pure spirit. Luke hits all the right notes.
This has got to be one of the realest, most hard-hitting songs I've ever heard. 2:58 to 3:18 shows how you just can spend you whole life running from something only for all those old hurts to one day catch up with you. It's subtle but the shift from "I know things will get better" to "I'd always hoped for better" - that shit hurts man. They say if you don't address your childhood traumas, your romantic relationships will and, in my opinion, no other song has encompassed that better than this one.
I didn’t even know this was a cover. I have so much country music to learn.
What a lovely tribute to Tracy Chapman's iconic song. Luke stayed true to the simple, raw, elegance of this meaningful song.
me and my father used to listen to this every evening in the summer out on the back deck and i still continue it to this dad.. I miss ya father RIP
Normally I am skeptical about folks covering songs that should be left untouched. But after listening to this cover all I can say is WELL DONE! He remained true to the song.
I don't know if it's just me but the part where he said this well somebody's gotta take care of him so I quit school and that's what I did" it just hits my heart