
let’s get TG to 10 million ❤🎉😊!!


I love you to get to ten mil 🎉


TG keep up the good work 💪🏾❤️😁


999 make this top comment


I love you soooooooooooo much and your videos are soooooooooo goooooooooooooood


0:00 already a W video


Who thinks tg should get an icon skin?  ——->>>>>


Snoop not being blue rarity is criminal💀💀💀


❤ I love you so much and I love your Fortnite channel  to play


i ain’t watched him in a longggggg time bruh

ion know why i stopped he’s so tuff


You can pick any weapon because if you purple wrap the weapon is purple


0:39 already the best video


I’m subscribed to you


999 😢🎉 we miss u juice and x❤
Rip🕊juice and xxxtentcion😢😢❤


Looking forward to what's next!


People who see this: Jesus Loves You That He Gave His Only Son For Us sinners


am i the only one who loved that he made jw legendary cuz hes a legend?

