You deserve more recognition
Honored by this collaboration brother.. We killed everything 🔥🔥🌹
MASTERPIECE.. so much emotion in this
Grandios lieber Jurrivh. Ganz liebe Grüße von der Ostsee Insel Usedom. ⚓️
How could something sounds this enchanted...✨ This guy is unbelievable....✨
omg, this will be my new favorite song!!
It relaxes me, it's very cute
👍👍👍 always loved your work
Great work bro
This song release at the same time with my birthday's son 🖤 I love you Jurrivh, God bless you ✨✨✨
so great ❤️❤️❤️🔥✨🫀
Thanks you so much for great songg
By far the best one you ever did man, please keep up the great work I believe in you ❤️❤️
Absolutely out of this world 🥺💖 Thanks alot jurrivh❤️
So great emotional beat
Your children can break your heart worse than any relationship could ever. Hurts deeper than a ocean
Beautiful.... 💥💥💥💥
Wow. This is chilling and so, so good. Who's on the hook?