
"Crotchal?" lmfao


I hope this can bring some comfort to everyone with what happened. Please continue to pray for Damar and stay positive πŸ™


Praying for Damar πŸ™ also Texans got that pick givin me 28-3 vibes 😳


In the wake of Damar's injury, we realize we're all one fanbase. We are all praying for the health and well-being of Damar.


2:34 I like how its just an unedited picture of Tom Landry... and Bill dressing up the classic hoodie.πŸ˜‚


Corndogs at halftime.  Thanks for posting all these clips- I can't imagine how long it takes to put all of them together.


6:35 Brought tears to my eyes. Absolutely beautiful


Damn there were a lot of funny moments this week needed this more than ever


I’m a bills fan and there is nothing else I’m praying for


2:55 Careful Terry don’t hurt yourself with that cannon. πŸ˜‚


Poe pulling the ol’ Kevin Nash WCW trick was wild!


Luketa wanting jjs jersey was wholesome af and im a saints fan.


keeping Damar in my thoughts! ❀


I love the Goldeneye reference. The memories.


Prayers for damar and his family


Najee is such a character I can’t wait to see how good he gets


I'm praying for both Jeremy Renner and Damar Hamlin both of them are in critical condition in the hospital due to injuries.


Praying for Damar πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Love your video and prayer πŸ™


As a Broncos fan, unjust wanna admit how amazing. Mahomes really is. If he stays healthy, he can go down as the single best QB in the history of football.