
Okay so IMO flashing people, and just existing topless are two VERY different things. I was sitting between my boyfriend and brother once and this woman flashed us and I was PISSED. Now, if I was at a beach (where nudity is allowed) with my bf, I couldn’t care less if people had their titties out. Flashing, (IMO) is a sexual act directed at people usually non-consensually. She seems to be the one sexualizing her own breasts. I am glad that she is proud of her body, but that doesn’t excuse her from acting inappropriately.


The "whose my father?" While Brandon calms Sam down cracks me up every time


Story 2: it’s not about the flashing it’s the disrespect the wife is showing and unwilling to listen to differing opinions


His wife flashing everyone is embarrassing. It starts to be like she’s not for me energy.


In the last story, when his gf accused him of not loving her, he shouldn't have apologised. I feel like a lot of people think that apologising is a safe communication style, but it's not. Especially with things that other people just have an intuition about, apologising is like confirming that their intuition was correct.


“Community chest” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


With the flashing story, on top of the lack of consent from people being flashed, you also have to consider that he married her as someone who was more conservative/modest. Now that she's becoming more liberal with showing off her body, it could be a turn-off.


That last woman didn't just cross boundaries with the dad and tried to punish him for not acting how she wanted - her specifically asking the child to call her Mama and then treating him coldly after he said no is such a big red flag.

The dad and the girlfriend loved each other, but the girlfriend definitely has some mental health issues she needs to work out bc the way she crossed so many boundaries to seek validation and blamed others for not acting how she wanted is so wrong.

Also specifically trying to make someone feel guilty for your suicide is incredibly fucked up. Doing that to someone who you know is still recovering from grief like that??? She needs an intervention ASAP.


The boob debate is really interesting! Female breasts should be desexualized, but I also get the point about consent, since they are sexualized right now.


The depression that overcomes me when i think of my parents aging is so real. I thought about it before, but now that i have a kid its like 50x worse 😂 in my head i think “the older my child gets the less time my parents have” 😭


The Korea analogy is bad. The bath house is not unisex and still relatively private. And not all Koreans goes to the bath house. Those who do expect that there will be naked people there and that they also have to remove their clothes. Also, Korea is still a very conservative country. They arrested korean girls for wearing bathing suit while riding motorbike in Seoul. Sj is right. There is a time and place for everything.

I don't know why, but Sam's mom texting him back made me cry.. 😭😭😭


While I think nudity and breasts should be less sexualized and be more casual, flashing is just an act that’s sexual in general. It uses the idea of hiding something then suddenly revealing something and it’s used to be shocking and sexual (doesn’t have to be just breasts in this scenario too).


As someone who just got a boob job(breast reduction) I understand the feeling of wanting to show everyone my boobs. There’s also a huge mental disconnect that me and many of my friends who’ve had BRs feel that my new boobs aren’t MY boobs. However flashing people is not ok ever cuz people aren’t consenting to it.


Not you guys forgetting Gen X 😂😭 I’ve been getting so many TikToks of them complaining they’re forgotten all the time


I'm 61.  I'm afraid my parents aren't callable.  I do still have an aunt.

As to the dead wife.  My husband and I are remarried widows.  We've been together 6.5 years, I'm only now starting to feel like I can borrow Christine's belongings.  I haven't redecorated her kitchen or the bedroom because I don't want to trespass.  I don't understand how people can be so calous about their partner's late partners. I also don't understand why they get so jealous about them.


1:00:06 For the last story, she needs mental help.  The fact that his own family wasn't on his side and made him feel guilty for her suicide attempt is horrible. It isn't his fault that she went that route. She clearly had much more issues than she'd let on.

Not only that but she wanted the son to call her mama, and when he said no, she treated the son and Op coldly. She is a big red flag in my opinion. If anyone I was dating chose to change themselves into someone I know that passed away. Especially my partner. I would running for the hills.

 His family wanting him to marry her and have kids with her already. Is such a big red flag as well. This woman is literally not mentally, okay. She changed herself to look like a passed away person. She needs mental help. She does not need to be married and he shouldn't have to marry her just for his family to be happy. If I was him I would go low contact with my family. And I wouldn't speak to that woman again.


51:53 them saying text the people you love hits really hard today. I just had a friend passed away go ahead and talk to him in a while and we definitely people that we love know that we love them.😢


“Walking like you going to see the Lord or something “ 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


Text your mom, check on your friends, follow your gut or that voice in your head. I’ve lost people within hours of me ignoring that feeling to check in..


i feel like the point of the 2nd story should be more about her flashing people nonconsensually I get telling your friends but just flashing people to flash is weird for anyone