
Regarding the difficulty - remember that you are playing this game as a Fromsoft content creator, who has done challenge runs and whatnot in the main game. I also found Nightreign to be quite easy during the network test, but I have done a RL1 run of Elden Ring and know as much as there is to know about the game's mechanics. I know about what weapon types there are, how the status effects work, how important stance breaking is, etc... so there was very little new for me to learn. 

Imagine being a rougelike fan trying out Nightreign as your first Fromsoft game. You will probably get crushed and overwhelmed by a game that is tuned for people who already have hundreds, if not thousands of hours of Elden Ring behind them. The game is for them too.


As the old adage says "If a pro tells you something is hard or easy, it doesn't mean anything for the huge majority", plus, as a lot have pointed out, this is just a network text where the map pretty much doesn't change, so its too early to say anything really


Considering how the playable characters all have their own voice acting, dialogue wheel similar to what’s in Helldivers could work. Since this is a spinoff of a Souls game, I’m certain many older Fromsoft fans will hate the idea of something like this, but I think it’d fit within this sort of game.


The director never said anything about multiple maps, he only commented that the map would be procedurally generated, now if that means that the entire map changes or if its a fixed map with only the structures and enemies changing we don't know, what we know is that the map can some times be generated with swamps, forests or volcanos, with the dlc adding new "biomes" for the generation.


Dude you're not thinking about what this was. This was a network test not a Demo. 

Its not representative of the final game nor is it indicative of how it will function or feel in the long run. 

They made it easier to run through quickly and put stress on the various systems. With that said of course it will be easy for Elden Ring No Lifers.who played it nonstop.


I think your difficulty argument is forgetting the rng of upgrades. I've had 5 successfull runs all weekend and 3 of them were from all 3 players having gotten lucky in terms of upgrades. For example every run since Saturday morning I haven't gotten a single powerful upgrade from the night bosses. Things like lightning on dodges, ice storms on sprint and even glint blade phalanx haven't dropped for me. Instead I've gotten options like slightly boosted stamina, slightly increased hp, random low chance to insta kill enemies and so on. These buffs are good on the surface but when you are the only one on the team who doesn't have a powerful buff you can drag your team down and if 2 or all 3 of you don't get them then you are at a massive disadvantage going into a major boss. This same issue goes with weapons. If you don’t get luck and get weapons that significantly buffs your character you can be screwed. Multiple runs were failed because my team was unlucky and got such small buffs that we would wipe on a night boss. I was mostly maining Recluse and had several night bosses drop upgrades for physical attacks, jumping attacks and so on so my mage was being hampered by being given the wrong types of upgrades. I don't think the game necessarily needs to be harder in the sense that it can be steam rolled every run. I think, at least because of rng, that its entirely up to chance if its difficult or not. Scaling is a good idea but if you get unlucky that scaling can essentially guarantee that the run is failed by day 2. Imagine getting the dts/ cavalry fight when your entire team only got surface level stat buffs on a higher scale. That fight as it is, is a shit show and I can see many people quitting entirely from it if it was even harder because luck wasn't on their side.


I think it’s important to remember that Elden ring itself when it was pre release was downplayed heavily with what would be in the game. The network test for that was not indicative for just how BIG that game was going to be and become. I don’t see why Nightrein will be any different. I think there is going to be a lot of things not known about until full release. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the areas we get is somewhere from dark souls 1 or 3.


I can't wait for Travis Scott's first Limveld live concert event! 🤣


The devs said there are two map variations in the network test.
In the full game the randomization will swap out map pieces and points of interest


Guys does anyone even remember the NWT for the base game? They gave you way more stats and health, you did crazy damage, you got the full crucible knight set with ordovis’s great sword in Limgrave. This game is going to be the same. The real game will not be as easy, better weapons will not be as easy to come by, and some of the pictures  already show mobs not seen in the network tests so there will be variety. Also they said there will be drastic map changes with swamps and volcanoes. Also, DLC said maps so idk if it’ll be more Limveil changes or different maps in general. Chill it’s FromSoft stop expecting them not to do what they always do


As far as the difficulty goes, it's a network test of game that no one knows how to play yet. Of coarse it's gonna be easy to people like us that played the hell out of elden ring, but the challenge isn't the point. From is just testing the servers so it makes sense to tone down the difficulty to see how the servers handle many players running through the bosses and then jumping back into matchmaking in a game they only have 3 hours to play at a time. I wouldn't worry about the challenge during what is just a taste of the full game.


After playing Helldivers 2 for the past year, I can honestly say that none of these balance changes that are in the game are even close to what the game is going to be when it launches.  It's a network test - not a game balance test.


The fact the map and enemy placement has been the same the whole time is definitely making it a lot easier. If maps are procedurally generated like we’ve heard it’s gonna make it harder to min max every run by mapping out where you want to go before you even drop. I think there’s some things that could be changed to even out the balance like Duchess having her skill and her ultimate swapped, the damage repeat is way too strong be be a 10 second cooldown skill


If anyone is interested in a souls-like that is procedurally generated and roguelite and waiting on this now that the network test is almost over, try Remnant 2. First one is good too but 2 really hooked me, a ton of incredible and challenging content there


What some people are missing in stating that the regular enemies should be buffed (whether that be for the full run or just Night 2) is that if there is no since of accomplishment or feeling that rewards gained from Night 1 matter, the game will suffer. The playerbase will shrink to those who are comfortable with (at least Elden Ring) and Nightreign play styles (of which I am one). They will more than likely continue to match with their preferred teammates and matchmaking will become a problem again. Part of the challenge and randomness is the random matchmaking. 
The ring already closes in quickly. If enemies are buffed, the opportunity to collect rewards is reduced. We already have to make timely decisions on where to farm and fight. How are we going to improve our builds for the bosses if we have to narrow down our choices even more and slow down our game (while the circle timer stays the same) because some people want more of a challenge before facing the night boss? Imagine trying to fight the Sentinel Trio and everyone in your squad has level 1 weapons (or the rewards dont add up to a competent enough build for you). Not because you didnt attempt to level up but because yall committed to a camp, dragon or mine and you were forced to leave precious rewards behind (all of this already happens  in game as is btw).


I thought the director said the game always takes place in Limveld, but Limveld is supposed to have way more variation in the main game at release. Like that creepy red (scarlet rotten?) forest is probably going to be a landmark that randomly pops up in some maps. I think people are rushing to say Night Reign is going to be limited even though the main Elden Ring network test was also pretty limited. It was just a chunk of the full Limgrave, and we all know the full Elden Ring was many times bigger. I have confidence that the full Night Reign will be able to serve up some radically different Limvelds.


8:55  Regarding difficulty, you dont have to level -make it as hard as you want


Feel like the bulk of your critiques have been answered by an interview they released over the weekend.  There's going to be a lot more random generation than seen in the network test and that volcano is potentially one of those random generations.  Think you'll also have more drop site options as well, though, as for difficulty, he jokingly says there will not be poison lakes.


I believe you are treating the network test like it's a small portion of what the full release will look like, which most people assume it won't be. Randomness will be much higher as will boss variety, event layout etc. don't stress guys.


Here's my own expectations/wishlist I think we'll get at launch.
1. Definitely more maps. I expect Caelid, Liurnia, mountaintop of the giants, Mt. Gelmir, maybe even a crumbling Faraam Azula, etc. will all be associated with different Lord hunts.
2. Different hunt lengths. Going in line with your idea of scaling the days, make some late-game hunts 3 or 4 day cycles for people who just want MORE out of the build-up to a more challenging fight.
3. NG+ variety. Make certain relics or more powerful variations of relics available in this to entice further progression after you've beaten all 8 night lords, also make it so when you start NG+ you only carry over whatever relics are equipped to each class going in if you keep any at all. That will ensure you're getting the most out of every class before starting a new game cycle.
4. Cosmetic customization. Being able to play the same class is nice, but I want to be able to make my own character look unique in each class so that even when matching classes are chosen we can look completely unique from one another. Also gives something to spend in-game currency on when your relics are set up just as you like them.