Really hurt me when I saw this. Can’t believe they did that to a non professional
I was knocked unconscious 13 years ago….started throwing up the next day and haven’t stopped….head injuries are no joke people. I deal with daily nausea and/or vomiting
This is the issue with having all these celebrities on wwe. They arent trained to take hits like actual wwe wrestlers
Bro got tossed around like a ragdoll 😭 Hope he takes his time to recover
I had a concussion that gave me multiple seizures, a three day ER stay, and a full year of recovery. I was even wearing a helmet. Brain injuries are no joke!
I need a crossover between Dr. Mike and LawByMike (Edit: first comment with over 1k likes, thanks so much!)
I show speed is really speedrunning towards death 💀
I had a head injury like that when I was fourteen, and I’m still dealing with the damage. I cringe so hard when I see anyone getting this same type of injury. It’s a long road to recovery. 😢
Yeah when I saw that bounce back and the aftermath of his leg after the table, like ouch 😢
Dont worry, he’s basically a cartoon character, he is perfectly fine the next stream.
What brain? Jokes aside, that's true. Any shock to the head is definitely not a good thing
I’m surprised he’s still alive at this point
One of the assistant teachers at my old school was a wrestler (not WWE cuz I live in Australia). He told us that the reason he had to quit wrestling is that he literally broke his neck and didn’t notice for like a day or more (can’t remember exactly how long). He was a professional and he still got injured a lot. I can’t speak for WWE, but according to my teacher, the injuries aren’t usually acting. Yes, it’s prepped and scripted, but they’re actually getting hurt on a very regular basis
That hit was insane man😮. Bro be living life on the Danger Zone
Thanks for informing us
Someone I used to be friends with got a concussion in a soccer game and then coach still put her back in. She got a second concussion and forgot almost everything and it took her like 6 months to get back to normal and even a year later she still had plenty of things she didn't remember
My dad was a wrestler in the 70's-90's.Wrestling is alot different from back then.They really wouldn't have taken the risk of putting someone in the ring that hadn't trained for a certain proper period of time. I'm not sure how much training he had but it shows that he's not taking the falls right. Yes, the matches are scripted and winners are chosen. The moves are very real though. My dad was hurt multiple times. He already had a injury from his military days. It just made it 10 times worse.
Bron Breakker got some SERIOUS speed on that speer it looked so personal lmao
To be fair, the WWE would have never signed off on this if Speed didn’t agree to it himself. It’s true though that they should’ve had him train a bit more and learn to tuck his head faster. A spear from Bron Breaker is way more intense than the RKO he previously took.