sometimes babygirl is a 41 year old man
5:19 LMAO this man cannot last a single interview without mentioning his love for paddington 😭
The brown dog with the blue collar chose Andrew to be their human. Kept going back to him.
The way he laughs everytime the puppies bump into the background lmao
4:55 did not think this interview would lead to andrew whispering "bad boys" whilst crawling around on all-4s with the puppies 😭
As an Andrew Garfield fan, it’s a long time coming
i love the subtle foreshadowing in the beginning
Andrew was fighting for his life to focus on the questions lmao everyone's adorable!
Hes one of those rare celebrities that just really feels like a real genuine person
"We don't think about death as much as we ought to" while squeaking the squeaky toy is too much. 😂
I hope he adopts the blue collared Goldie they're clearly soulmates
0:49 his puppy voice is so sweet 😭
Andrew the sweetest man ever meeting adorable cute puppies! Yes please 😭🩷
Andrew casually going from speaking english to speaking dog is giving me life
5:47 Andrew saying he has a “finsta” is literally the funniest thing
The Andrew Garfield compilation makers are gonna have a field day with this one
He's such a deep thinker and introspective and knows himself so well. I can totally see him as Philosophy professor at some university.
the way the puppy kept falling in the background and andrew couldn't hold his laugh IS SO FUNNY