
It went from birds to anything that could have wings šŸ˜‚


Beginning of the video: "not everything that has wings is a bird"
QuickGG, 3 minutes later: I'm catching Charizard because it has wings! šŸ˜‚


I have an idea for a challenge, how about you guys do birds only?


After watching this I'm concerned that... I might be also be a bird.


Ah yes, when I look at Volcarona I totally think ā€œbirdā€ because whatā€™s a bug?


ā€œiron bundle is an owlā€ ah yes, the robot modeled after a penguin pokemon aka an owl


By this logic, airplanes are birds


Gotta say, I absolutely enjoy watching these two play pokemon and doing these wacky challenges, buuuuut. Watching do a bird challenge but end up catching bugs and charzards and other pokemon with wings really hurt my brain lol. Should of just been a winged challenge.


I can't believe QuickGG called Iron Bundle an owl...


Idea I had - you each catch any six mons you want. No pseudos or legendaries, three skips. Then you do a best of three battles, but after each round you each select one of your opponentā€™s PokĆ©mon to be removed. So first battle is a 6v6, then 5v5 and the final would be a 4v4.


QuickGG: only one legendary. Takes two legendaries šŸ¤£


Opposite Day Challenge: whoever loses the battle wins the challenge. So you actually want to catch terrible pokemon šŸ˜‚


Guyyys, they are just stonedā€¦not dumb
When ur stoned an owl definitely looks like a penguin


The wheels have completely come off for this challenge! This joint went from birds to anything with wings! All chaos has broke loose.


The more I watch these guys the more I wonder how they survived this long.. hahahaha


catching scyther and volcarona as birds is wild


Paradox mons are considered legendary by virtually every then we fight channel.  So Quick had 2 legends round 1 and brought the same legend to round 2.  Rip Chillins chances


Love how quick essentially had 2 legendaries with iron bundle and etternatus


Eternatus is such a stretch


Wings... so bugs and dragons... got it XD