좋아요 어두운 바탕색부터 밝은 개나리까지
The colors are very symbolic here. The forest is pulled back, slightly blurred, not yet ready for spring; it's still earthy with darker winter undertones.🤫 While the forsythia plant, with its beautiful yellow flowers and tiny green leaves, is happily growing and flourishing with newness and vibrancy. It's gorgeous!!😍 You can feel the cheer. Like sunshine.☀️ It's springtime. It's awake and ready to celebrate.🌱🌱🌼🌿🌼🌿🌼🌿 I love it, Little Fantasy. You always create wonderful feel good artwork. Thank you for sharing.🥳👏🏻💛💚💛💚
I love it. When you start painting and everything is like meaningless brushstrokes, I have to confess that it confuses me a little, but you only have to watch the whole video to see those first brushstrokes being the perfect fit for the painting you have made. I like it a lot.
Imma paint this today❤ thnks
Bravoooooo ❤❤❤
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Me encantan tus pinturas pero sobretodo de flores, gracias por tus enseñanzas ❤
Amazing, Love it! 💕
Bravo Tellement joli et délicat ❤
Magnifique 🌺
wow it’s really so so beautiful my friend ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ i love thise art ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
멋진그림 감상하고 가요^^
So nice 👍 👍
C'est très beau, les fleurs sont magnifiques. Gratitude ❤️ ❤️ 😊 🙏
❤ so good! ❤
Awesome ❤
Dein Bild ist eine Wunderschöne Einstimmung auf den Frühling, mir gefällt vorallem der triste Hintergrund mit den Bäumen. Viele Lieben Dank für dieses schöne Bild💜.
Hermoso ❤️❤️