
i think i deserve compensation for this


27:57 Calvin: AHHHHH
27:58 xNestorio:*becomes a eagle/falcon*
28:13 Calvin:AHHHHH
28:14 xNestorio:*becomes a eagle/falcon again*


It's great to see Calvin and Nestorio collaborating in videos like this.


Nestorio:"Hhhhh ææææææ"


Bro Calvin gotta deal with this now😂 from the fog already giving him heart attacks every episode 😂


Why a Hellhound...? Those things are a pain in CoD: Zombies!


This was hilarious, I can't stop laughing!


xNestorio dolphin noises
more dolphin noises
MORE dolphin noises
MoRe  dolphin noises


27:58 Nestorio cutely becomes a squeak toy/ eagle/ falcon
28:14 Nestorie Cutely becomes a squeak toy/ eagle/ falcon again


Calvin's gotta be sleeping with a bed with no legs by now, and with more cameras installed than in the white house. Even this during the From the Fog episodes!


20:52 The dead Alex boss fight (my fav)


Nestorios laughs are so funny 😂


Nestorio  is  giving  Calvin heart  attacks


8:35 sigma alpha wolf
"Dont worry thats ketchup"
Such a wholesome youtuber
32:10 majorda's mask moon


"to show he's no feeling so great anymore"


Calvin is always the one who is getting scared


"NOT BRICK" got me rollin To Universe Planet-😂😂😂


13:16 is funny hes a falcon😂😂😂😅


Calvin "àaaaaaaaaaaaa" nester "U own me 100$"


he's just standing there menacingly!