
Emma I need advice.
I sat with a group of nine girls at lunch and they all did cross country. Everyone except for me. They have all these secret code names they made up in cross country and I always feel left out. They make plans right in front of me and if I ask if I’m invited they say it’s a cross country thing even though someone else was invited that doesn’t do cross country. They all talk about how much fun they had at parties that I wasn’t invited to right in front of me. Now that school has started they kicked me out if there lunch table because I didn’t do cross country now I have nowhere to sit and I don’t know what to do. My best friend also sits there and we don’t have any classes so i never get to see here it is devastating.
Edit 1: so now I’m sitting with other people who I don’t really talk to and it is awkward. My other friend who sits with my old table is being talked about. Someone said they are talking about her like they talked about me before they kicked me out. I don’t know how to tell her without losing my only friends I have from my old table. Could you please give me advice?


I think those should be called “Zebra Lips” it fits so good


You’re so pretty howww?????


Omgg I love your channel!!




You are so pretty! I love you vids!💜💜


You’re so pretty❤love your videos ❤❤😊


I love watching your videos I'm also subscribed ❤❤❤❤


Ur so pretty ❤


Love it!!!


Definitely trying this immediately!!❤❤


Gorgeous as always Emma 🩷🫶🏻


Emma you're so pretty and I'm and big fan 😍. You give the best advice ❤


So cute!


That’s just so pretty


So pretty


my sister has the same lash primer!




Soo pretty!!!


Why is she so good at makeup like if I tried people would be begging me to take it off 😂