I was on Tik Tok and had to come here to here the entire song. Miss you Mama and Daddy
Man, this is my first time hearing this song. Brings tears to my eyes. I miss my Mama so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her and Wishing she was still here. ❤❤R.I.P Mama. Love you
Each time I play this song it runs through my Heart and Soul.
This song has become my favorite. I miss my mom so much. Thank you for this awesome song 🙏🏾
Found my mom 4-18-24 cold and stiff! I feel like God planted this song in my lap! This song will help me with my every day struggle with my grieving process! Love it!
Absolutely love this song. Iv been missing my girlfriend and my unborn child. They were taken from me in 2007. I loved her with everything I was. Iv not been the same since that night. I cried and stayed to myself for years. Thanks for this song bro
This song hit so many places in my life... bless you angel for singing your soul out on this hit!
I've never heard this song until earlier today and now it's on repeat. Missing my beautiful Mom who passed away 10/21/24
this is one of the most beautiful songs that Ive heard in a very long time. This young mans very deep and soulful voice makes me really feel this song its very healing.
OMG My mom , my dad , and my siblings 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢Thank you for this song. It’s beautiful
God needed FOUR of my people in 2024. This song hits so true!
I just heard this song. I couldn't stop my tears. Love it. i can't stop playing it.
Simply beautiful, beautiful lyrics…😢 Makes me think of all my loved ones that are looking down from Heaven…
I miss my daddy so much. The thought that my life just goes on without him hurts. Beautiful song 😢
I lost my mom 4/1/2024 😢😢😢my daughter sent me this last night after our Christmas dinner 😭😭😭😭Lord I thank you for the years you allowed my mom to live upon the land of the living 12-19-1954 sunrise Sunset 4-1-2024 what a beautiful song 😭🙏🏾🌹
I never knew how much I needed to hear a song until now😢
My only child died 4 years ago and there is not a day that goes by that I don't cry. I'm so glad that I came across this song
His voice has that old soul......This song brought me to my knees, missing my Mom & Dad. The way he sings I feel it in my soul. Keep going!!! You need more recognition.
I lost my mom 01-07-25 and I just feel everything he saying like he took the words out my mouth thanks Anthony Q you get me by everday