


Minecraft players from a 500ft clif when they see a pixel of water:


I felt that fear, that air resistance, that feeling of falling. And I felt it just by watching this video.


I  remember watching this on my VR and it kinda felt real😂


The Beginning just said: "🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤WOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH!"


0:42 scared me so bad






Quem grava em 360 graus, deveria fazer mais baixo, porque a gente fica com a impressão de estar andando em cima da cabeça da pessoa,  e provoca muita tontura em quem está com o óculus


0:25  Why did he sound like a police car 💀💀


Oh no I’m about to die! Oh wait, just pause the video


The scream caught me off-guard. Also, this is what happens when I'm about to fall asleep


0:11 helikopter!


I remember watching these type of videos when I was much younger 😭😭




Bros headless 💀


How to make it?