
oh my god im so thankful i thought i would never find that beautiful loop that is ichi holy smokes thank you


I now listen to ichi to workout and better myself which I don't do often when I first heard it I literally restarted the scene multiple times cause it was addictive I cannot truly describe the pleasant tingling it provides my brain thank you for making it come to life


Awesome music! Thank you so much. Are there any plans for CD version?


Just finished watching the anime and was snooping around searching for the ost, thank you so much!! This should be on Spotify!!


Thank you for uploading this! I'm a bit confused though is this the entire soundtrack or will there be other releases too? I'm searching for a specific song of the title and can't find it on here :(


Im trying to find the song that has an organ playing but idk the name
The song started episode 7 "ban" at 08:19 minutes
Someone please help me find the name of it 😭😭😭


Uwaaahh!! I'm so happy the full OST of Good Night World is finally released !! đŸĨšđŸĨšđŸ’—đŸ’—đŸ’–đŸ’–đŸ’– Good Night World is definitely among my most favorite animes, I can't describe how happy I'm feeling right now to know I can listen to 2 hours of amazing music now 💖💖💖
I found your channel two weeks ago. And since then, I've been listening to Good Night World OST you released as single songs almost everyday, like when I'm on my way to school while I'm walking, or while I'm doing my homework, or sometimes I just like to listen to the songs because they are so good they put me in a good mood. I'm so happy to see you added in the full OST songs you didn't release on your channel before, as single songs, such as "Ichi", "Secret hideout", "Pirates Battle", or even "Ichi vs Piko2". They sound amazing, and I'm so joyful to know I can listen to those songs outside of the anime !! (*>_<*)īž‰đŸ’–đŸ’–
I'm just wondering, but will you release the songs "Ichi", "Secret Hideout", etc, on your channel separately, like you did with the other songs ? Or will you keep them exclusive in the full OST ? (īžŸâˆ€īžŸ)
Also... there's something I'm wondering... I might be wrong, but I feel like some song titles are missing, and some songs aren't at the good timestamp 🤔
Like, on 49:04 the song that is playing isn't the song "Kojiro Arima" you posted on your channel. It's a song I think you never posted on your YouTube channel. I don't know what's the name of the song, but I would love to know it please ! (īŊĄ>īš<īŊĄ) the song is so scary, I love it 💖💖
Also, all the following songs after "Kojiro Arima" aren't in the correct place. For example, at 1:05:14, the song "SUN" isn't playing, but "Hope" is playing. I believe the song "SUN" is also missing đŸ’Ļ 
After "SUN", the songs are in the correct place though ! But at 1:22:03 , "Suspicion" isn't playing. Instead, there are two beautiful songs that are playing (īžŸâˆ€īžŸ)💕💕 (but I don't know their titles unfortunately...)
"Suspicion" is played at 1:23:48 , instead of "Kojiro's Determination", and until the end of the full soundtrack video, all the songs seem misplaced like that way (for example, at 1:47:13 , both "Mozart : Requiem" and "Franz Liszt : La Campanella" are playing, instead of just one song).
Sorry, it is not intended to be a criticism at all. (´ãƒģĪ‰ãƒģīŊ€) I don't want to be annoying, I am just very passionated about all the songs you've create for Good Night World !! (īŊĄ>īš<īŊĄ)💖💖💕💕 I love them all so much, and that's why I wanted to know the name of some songs I didn't see on your channel, but that are only in the full OST ! 
I'm so happy you composed all those songs for the anime Good Night World!! Your music is awesome, and it's so great your songs even have the power to change my mood to something good, and touch me in the heart when the song is sad. I'm so glad you worked on the OST for that anime. You did an awesome job !! 👏👏🌟🌟
By the way, I was also wondering if the full OST is going to be on YouTube only, or are you going to share it on your Spotify as well ?? (*´Ī‰`*)
Thank you again for all the awesome songs and the amazing work, Takatsugu Wakabayashi !! ŲŠ(āš‘Ã˛Ī‰Ãŗāš‘)Ûļ💕💕💖💖💖

(I'm really sorry, my comment was long wwwwww)


Hi Mr. Wakabayashi. Are there any plans to release this soundtrack on other services such as iTunes, etc.?
By the way, it would be nice to hear all of the music for some of your other unreleased soundtracks such as 惑星ぎさãŋだれ and 星åˆģぎįĢœé¨ŽåŖĢ.


has this been released on Spotify?