For those not knowing what he thinks between the two he is saying: “although these are very similar, the spas-12 is more classical and has more history to it” 👍🏽
I'll never forgive Franchi for discontinuing such a beast of a shotgun. Truly deserved more attention.
The look of the SPAS12 has always been mean af, so I love it
I was checking out the Spas 12, benelli m4, and DP12. Went with the benelli m4. Best decision I've made in a while haha. Brand new, lubed it a little, shot about 20 rounds of 00 buck shot to losen it up and went to bird shot... cycled everything the way its supposed to. No hiccups at all!!!
I've never got to shoot either one of them. But based on classic stuff and stories I heard of the first Gulf War I wouldn't hesitate picking up that spas-12. It's a shame that not many of them made it into the country and that they're rare and high dollar. I find the fact that they're both semi-automatic and pump-action very unique and just the overall Aesthetics of that gun are very pleasing to me.
The Answer is both! Spas 12 is iconic because Jurassic Park 1…. Benneli M4 is cool and tactical, perfect John Wick gun…. In the end it depends on user’s preferences, they are both great home defense guns
Always a Benelli fan, though I prefer the M3. Like the SPAS, the M3, has both semi and pump action at the flip of a lever.
I've ran through a myriad of shotgun platforms and I'm a fan of them all for different reasons, but the M4 is my go-to for sure. The absolute debauchery that we put the M1014 through in the Corps was impressive, and it never skipped a beat. Sold! My runner-up is the 590 for similar reasons, though all on the civilian side.
Question: Would a better comparison be between the SAPS-12 and the Benelli M3, since the M3 is also a dual mode shotgun, with both pump and semi? I just worry about SPAS reliability due to it's age... It does win the looks contest hands down though!
Love the Benelli. Thanks for posting.
Just got my new M4 benelli as my 1st shotgun and I love it!!! I’m in the process of “sexing it up” and I can’t wait… WARNING: you will burn a hole in your pocket!! Good job guys!!
Well, the SPAS-12 has a built in backup pump mode, so I actually would prefer the SPAS-12 for defense as well, as in case something goes wrong with the gun, I always can switch to pump. The weight makes it more comfortable to shoot IMO, the reliability is fine with the loads I've made my defensive loads, and since I can easily ghost load 10 shells, I'm not too concerned with speed loading which is the SPAS-12's biggest problem. But I am biased, as I did buy a SPAS-12 myself as my only shotgun after looking at my options. I specifically wanted a convertible pump and auto shotgun so I can use everything while still having semi-auto capability. Pump mode also makes ghost loading way easier, so I can easily incorporate it not only into preparation, but during reloads too. Also, the SPAS did enjoy some adoption, though since the pump mode is more suited for policing roles (normal military generally has no use for less lethals), it's mostly used by groups like US SWAT teams, GIGN, and some other special forces or police units.
Two guns I love! I love how you brought your uncles on to try out the guns too!
this is a great video! i love how you show the mishaps as well, i am trying to figure out if i should show jams on my channel as well, but watching you shows us that we should show our issues with our guns too. it helps the viewers. thank you dude.
I've seen a video or two but in this one @4:59 your uncle gave a shout out to FPS Russia and made me an official subscriber. You are legit sir!
Omg I’ve literally been waiting for this kind of video!!! Thank you so much! Starting now. I’m happy😁
I got a number of tactical shotguns including an M4 and a SPAS12. SPAS 12 looks awesome but it’s probably the worst tactical shotgun I have. It’s heavy, has more recoil than you would think and it’s not all that reliable. IMO the Vepr 12 is the best semi auto shotgun available. Benelli M4 is also really nice but limited by being tube fed.
Yes only auto on your M4, but the M3 has the dual function much like the spas12
The Benelli M4 H2O and M4 1014 on my list to get before the year is up