
In 2004 I was 18 years old and I  remember thinking, "when I have a proper job in the future I can buy one of these cars like a Supra or Skyline. They will be cheaper then" I'm 36 now and this is what I got.


Fun fact: "I didn't need to watch this video to realize I can't afford a GTR"


OMG, the skyline that got squished broke my heart


Correction. The R32 GTR was not exclusive to Japan. 100 Australian delivered models were sold to customers and are considered among some of the rarest GTRs in the world. Changes included a roof antenna, rear tail lights were changed from a double red lens to an amber and red lens combo for rear indication. Indicators were added to the front fenders, among other minor changes.


2021: Here's Why You Can't Afford An R34 GTR Skyline
2030: Here's Why You Can't Afford A Mitsubishi Mirage


The truly sad thing about this is, that with prices rising for GTR's, more and more collectors will become interested in owning one, or multiple ones, to add them to their garage collection and have them dust away under a cover, never to see a road again, causing GTR's to become more and more rare to be seen on streets for the sake of keeping/increasing their resell value.

GTR's will soon join the sad fate of cars, which only got built to provide their future owners the ultimate driving pleasure and experience, getting stored away instead by people who only care about their resell value.


The best video about Skylines yet! Luckily I owned 3 R34s till now and still have a Bayside Blue R34 GTR around 600ps. great car.
Edit after a year and half. Bayside blue is gone. current one is MNP 2 R34 vspec.


I'm a big fan of all the Skylines, I only wish I was aware of the R34 20 years ago! This is by far the most informative video I've seen about the history and evolution of all the models - I understand them far more now with their spec differences, timelines etc. Thanks for putting tghis together (I've also subscribed)...


Living in Japan I can assure you a decent gtr doesn’t cost 359k.


My man just produced a solid half-hour tv episode that was the best introduction to GTRs and their history.  Fast-paced, non-stop flow of information and no bs.  Awesome.


"Here's why you'll never be cool"


Somewhere in the Dubai, an 11 year old boy laughing at his collection of Skyline and GTR collecting dust and rusting at his own personal backyard.


Damn that midnight purple R34 style will never look old


For saving your time, after about 15:00 he start talking the price rising of the R34 GTR, before that, it’s all about the history of the Skyline GTR.


I'll never forget the memory when I was living in Japan over 10 years ago walking down the street from the academy to the home. There used to be a local car dealership where they sold a GTR r34 Skyline for only $1,700,000yen. That's only 17k usd. 
The US import "tax" is obsurd.
You can still buy a very clean Skyline in Japan right now for around 20K USD.
Edit: you have very good Japanese pronunciation I'm impressed 👍🏼


The JDM bubble will burst the moment people realize that the whole reason they were popular in the first place was due to their potential as affordable  performance.

Can't exactly brag that your Skyline is a Lamborghini killer if it costs just as much as one.


A very well researched video. Only a couple of very small mistakes. Impressed for a video made in a country that doesn't have them like we do. "Godzilla" name and reputation was actually born in Australia :)


"Here's why you can't afford happiness"


0:20 that broke my heart watching😭


There is a video here on YouTube in 2007 Where the chief engineer at Nissan in
Yokohama. Gifted Paul a R34 Skyline. The  emissions was modified to meet U.S. and California emissions criteria. 

Because Paul Walker was Paul Walker. Universal Studios got their attorney's to get waivers from the EPA DOT & Customs. All signed off  on it.  But it took an extra year to get a waiver from CAL-EPA to issue Universal a waiver. Not to mention waivers from Japan's MOE. 

After all signatures on the waivers from both sides. All was good to bring the R34 across.

I was and still am a crane operator in San Pedro. I remember speaking with  David Libatique the day before the container came in. He gave me specific instructions on where to place the container.

 Little did I know that Paul Walker was right below me with a small group of people from Universal 
 both EPA and CAL-EPA . Also the DOT had a van there to run a smog test and hook up their scan tools to make sure all emissions criterias were met. Also VIN verification. It was a little strange though. I think because the R34 Skyline to new and didn't meet the 25 year old show and display guidelines.

After passing all of it. Paul got a few pictures with everyone took delivery of it. He had a private car transport bring it to his home.

I'm sure the CA DMV was the last pain he would have to go through to get it registered.