
She looks orange


The second hand embarrassment I just got😭


“Its just a tan!” 

the tan:


Cash's "TeLl YoUr StOrY" had me rolling fr fr


"iM jUsT a SmAlL bEaN 👉👈🥺" i know it's a joke but the second hand embarrassment i got


Harper is such a drama queen.


"I'm JuSt A sMaLl BeAn🥺" like ew


“I’m just a small bean 🫘🥴” “tell your story! 🥴” got me rolling


Harper: I’m just a small bean 
People around her : 💀


I hope she gets posted on ig reels


u always fail to make my day better harper


Man, I can’t stop watching this😂😂😂😂😂


I love that Kate is just so chill


The Lorax looking different today


"I’m JuSt A sMaLl BeAn“ "TeLl YoUr StOrY"


When cash said TeLl YoUr StOrY😂😂😂😂


"I'm just a small beam👉🥺👈"
"TeLl yOuR sToRy"


Why has no one humbled this girl yet 😭💀

(Edit:) yall chill I didn’t mean to start war yall actually Bffr

(Edit 2:) the fact yall are still commenting on some facts is crazy like get a life instead of replying to my comment it shouldn’t bother u that much 😭✋


"Oopma loompa doompady doo, I've got a tragic story for you" head ahh


Im just a small bean is so funny and when cash said tell ur story is funny aswell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣