No one: Not a single soul: Calvin:"sHe gAvE yOU TAmPoNs"😭🤣
kovur: i want a kiss alex:no michael: ok time to give her a kiss
Okay then kouvr periodd! “I like Alex’s”
at this point i’m surprised they haven’t gotten arrested or pulled over lmao
Kouvr: *cries* Alex: *is laughing* Micheal: *hitting on Alex’s girlfriend* guy in the back: 👁👄👁
Calvin 2020- “She gave u tampons” 😂😂
I feel like everything happens in Alex’s room
“My moms not gonna like you after watching this video, she gave you tampons!”
"Kouvr my mom's not gonna like you if he watches this video" "sHe GaVe YoU tAmPoNs"
Why is everyone not talking about Micheal like hes so funny 😂
The fact that Alex hates drugs and stuff but his friends do it just to annoying him🤣
Patrick, Calvin and Alex were defo triplets in their past lives and somehow met up again but just dont know it.
Alex's room is literally the most interesting in the hype house
I love how pactrick was like: I don’t know what is going on
i’m honestly surprised Michael doesn’t have a girlfriend lol he’s pretty funny and attractive
nobody: all of the comments: 99% of you won’t see this but...
I feel like Micheal is just disintegrating in front of us at this point
“You look so stupid” “wHaT” jumps off bed 😂😂😂. Woah is this what it feels like to be famous, but anyways TYSM for the likes ❤️🥰😘
We Stan how loyal kovur is😌