I hope you and Sarah had a great time here in Australia and in Brissie! 💖💖
I am glad you're doing well and I hope you stay healthy and well! Take good care of yourself:). Here in the Netherlands it is also slowly getting more cases. Let's hope this virus will end fast so alot of people don't have to suffer!. Also congratulations on your niece! 🎉👶🏻 and have fun of your time in Australia and be carefull going back to south Korea! 💖 And you are right your skin looks so good ! Australia's sun is a wonder haha
Tinytip I'm glad you're safe. I hope you can go back to Korea when you feel it is safe. Your skin and hair ĺook very good. You are still handsome as always. Please continue to stay healthy. It was so nice seeing a video from you. Here in the USA people are doing the best they can. Many places closed for a short time, schools included. I send you my sincere wishes for your safety, happiness and health. 💜
Keep healthy, Tiny! I looking foward next video that you traveling in Ausralia :)
Hey Tinytip, really hoping you can actually get home during all this chaos. Australia has pretty much stopped all flights going overseas, especially to China, South Korea and Italy. Please stay safe, wash your hands a lot and try to avoid crowds :) Hopefully when this virus dies you can come back to enjoy Australia even more 💜
Hope you've enjoyed your time in Aussie and hope you have a safe flight back to Korea :)
Stay safe! Especially when traveling. These are scary times.
Your skin looks great!
호주에서 좋은 시간 잘 보내시고 코로나 조심하시고 한국 오심 기회만들어 함 보자요~^^
All this panic buying It's kinda ridiculous, people are buyin' up crap paper(toilet tissue) and fighting over it. I mean who needs 64 rolls man, even ammo is being bought up here in the USA. Anyways I hope your doing well out in Australia and eating well.
Нет перевода на другие страны 😢
Why Australia of all places? Because you wanted to escape winter?