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►Compare the Mazda MX-30: https://youtu.be/v_kB2BWdU9M
►Compare the BMW i3: https://youtu.be/WvxjdokX10I
►Compare the Tesla Model 3: https://youtu.be/FKtN5rBiafA
►VW Beetle vs Golf vs ID Concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvotrn2i4bg


Transparency note: Autogefühl videos are independent and free from editorial influence on opinion and rating. But since manufacturers enable us to do the reviews in the first place, for legal reasons this video is marked as _advertisement_.


”We go into details here, but this is Autogefuhl.” And this is why I keep on watching your channel over and over again reviewing cars I would not even necessarely consider buying. Great job guys!


Thomas's judgmental hmm's are fun to hear! "Hard plastic? Hmm?" "Glossy black panel? Hmm?"


I notice similar patterns in the car industry and the software industry: a lot of the management can't be impressed with patterns that are seemingly "old" and "dated". The slider probably looked "cooler" and more "sexy" than the regular, perfectly usable volume knob. Reliable patterns that have been providing great usability for a long time don't have to be reinvented for the sake of reinvention!


Thomas, you are the voice of the people, we really don't need this "Touch" nonsense in our cars, the driving and attention on the road should be at the forefront of interior car designers. I remember in the old days reviewers complaining about the placement of the radio and ventilation dials and 30 years of improvements is being thrown out of the window in favor of "modern look" and, maybe, cost cutting?! 🤔


“And if you like a brighter color...but detest orange, then this color combination is also possible “...😂🤣😂. Thomas, you rock!


15:43... i couldn't agree more with you ❤️ and please keep your voice loud on that... cause the companies need to make practical and functional buttons not just "looking cool" buttons...

i don't want to turn my steering wheel and activate functions just by touching the surface of the buttons... is stupid.


I love Thomas's reviews. He is always well informed, thorough, and he tells it like it is!


Thomas: “I want to close my eyes and enjoy the ride”
Everyone: realising there’s an autobahn crash test included in the review


Lets hope the big boys at VW listen closely to your correct stated comments about the flaws! Keep it like that, honest & detailed! 👍


There is a reason the motor has less horsepower on the smaller battery packs.  It's because the smaller battery packs are not rated for the same number of amps.  So, you wouldn't want to "tune" your drive motor to the higher spec because it would not be good for the battery pack.


Great review. I always appreciate how thorough your reviews are.


That was the car review I had been looking forward to the most in the last three years and Thomas didn't disappoint. A solid a thorough review as always where we get info about all the things we could ever wish to know about the new ID.3. Thank you for your great work, Thomas!


Thomas is one the best car reviewers, goes over every details on the car. Like this car i think it will sell good, if the prices is right. Many of the ideas on this ID 3 also been used on BMW i3.


Some additional information:
- the electric motor is a permament-magnet-synchronous motor, comparable from the principle to the new ones that Tesla is using
- While you could score the official range with city and countryside driving by reaching 13-14 kWh / 100 km, highspeed Autobahn driving (effective tested max. speed 165 km/h) resulted in about 23 kWh / 100 km.
- The left capactive button fiel on the steering wheel lets you control the cruise control with +10 and -10 km/h by a deep click, and if you just click in a very soft and shallow way, you can control +1 and -1 km/h with the very same button... just have to be very gentle...


Thomas is completely color matched with the interior. Perfectly prepared.


Wow, you got a lot of hits on this video! Shame about the interior plastics versus the e-Golf. No felt-lined door pockets either! Not a fan of sliders. And those steering wheel buttons don't sound good. No 360 camera. HUD good. I know sustainability is the ID.3 thing, but the Golf majored on quality & detail which made it a hit for 47 years. ID.3 will have to be very competitively priced to temp Tesla Model 3 customers versus Tesla's vastly superior charging infrastructure. Many thanks indeed Thomas & Team for a great Review. Cheers.


Great review! And you made the first review about it - without skipping the flaws.


Another excellent review, Thomas. I feel I know a lot about this car now. As ever, excellent levels of detail and thoroughness, far better than in the magazines. Keep up the great work 👍🏼