Poppy Playtime has come a long way and we love to see it. Chapter 4 was phenomenal, the way all the characters had played their part and roles was lovely. My favourite highlights from the stream was Kreek dealing with Yarnaby, The Doctor and Doey. That ending is crazy too, Chapter 5 gonna be wild.
6:32:42 “hurts, hurts hurts!” “Mhm, uh huh, im sure it hurts. get out of my way. ” bro was done 😭🤚
Tape 1- 4:17:31 Jumpscare 1- 4:18:32 Tape 2- 4:24:05 4:33:44 Free Tape 3- 4:55:33 Cutscene 1- 4:58:34 Tape 4- 5:00:38 5:12:49 Toy scream Cutscene 2- 5:13:58 Jumpscare 2- 5:28:34 Jumpscare 3- 5:30:33 Jumpscare 4- 5:31:17 Jumpscare 5- 5:31:55 Jumpscare 6- 5:32:35 Jumpscare 7- 5:33:24 Jumpscare 8- 5:34:31 Jumpscare 9- 5:35:11 Jumpscare 10- 5:35:58 Jumpscare 11- 5:36:54 5:37:02 (note this time it doesn’t say “GET UP.”) Jumpscare 12- 5:37:49 Jumpscare 13- 5:38:48 Jumpscare 14- 5:40:00 Jumpscare 15- 5:42:20 Jumpscare 16- 5:43:25 Jumpscare 17- 5:44:37 Jumpscare 18- 5:48:37 Jumpscare 19- 5:48:32 Jumpscare 20- 5:48:59 Jumpscare 21- 5:49:27 Jumpscare 22- 5:49:55 Jumpscare 23- 5:50:25 Jumpscare 24- 5:50:52 Jumpscare 25- 5:51:21 5:51:31 No “GET UP.” Jumpscare 26- 5:51:56 5:52:05 no get up. Jumpscare 27- 5:52:25 Jumpscare 28- 5:53:10 Jumpscare 29- 5:55:05 Jumpscare 30- 5:55:46 Jumpscare 31- 5:56:24 6:02:52 let’s just skip ahead. 6:05:15 goes crazy. 6:12:59 finally. 6:17:20 6:29:22 here’s the scene Tape 5- 6:30:37 Tape 6- 6:48:05 Jumpscare 32- 6:50:21 Cutscene 2- 7:00:27 7:11:11 predictions Cutscene 3- 7:39:40 Cutscene 4- 7:41:15 Jumpscare 33- 7:43:48 Jumpscare 34- 7:44:38 Jumpscare 35- 7:46:31 Jumpscare 36- 7:49:07 Jumpscare 37- 7:52:09 Cutscene 5- 7:57:59 Cutscene 6- 7:59:53 Tape 7- 8:01:20 Cutscene 7- 8:04:19 Tape 8- 8:09:57
I graduated from college after 16 years of education, I got a wife, we started a family with two kids, our kids grew up and graduated, my wife and I are in retirement, my kids got jobs, my wife died, I spent my final moments with my kids, and I died as well. I’ve spent 60 years of my life and kreekcraft is still dying to yarnaby multiple times
The fact the og duo camed back red and blue hand the og i cant belive the blue hand survived till this day nostalgic...
Bro that was like a whole movie and W kreek for streaming the whole 8 hours without quitting
Red Hand has gotta have the most insane comeback ever in Playtime's history. Man's been gone since Chapter 2, came back today and gets promoted to Omni-Hand. Tell me that isn't MOB's most subtle but greatest character development ever.
Death 1 53:55 Jumpscare 1:01:07 Jumpscare 1:03:43 Death 2 1:07:37 Death 3 1:17:08 Death 4 1:17:45 Death 5 1:38:06
At 7:54:02 the “Mommy, Daddy, I just wanna go home!” Hurt my soul. Bro is really just a kid 😕
Finished kreek's stream I wanna say a few things to the game. 1: I definitely enjoy it more than chapter 3, mainly because it just didn't involve a heck ton of puzzles. 2: Doey's voice actor NAILED IT. I absolutely love how the voice actor voice doey. And the twist in the end that doey has multiple person or personality inside him was crazy. 3: Huggy's return was something we all expected. Though I can't say he isn't happy to see us again... And lastly 4: The doctor's death was... Disappointed and anti-climatic. I didn't even know he died until poppy said it. I was expecting him to have a cool boss fight. Didn't even have a proper look at him.
Stream was longer than my school day
Hello and here I have questions.... 1)DO any of us think kissy will die? 2)Will huggy be facing up with kissy? 3)if they do, do we think they will ki--UHM I MEAN be allies or fight? 4)Anyone got any good title for chapter 5? Edit:I'm back and Woah this is the most likes and replies I've ever got thanks to u all I can finally cheer!😊(⌒‐⌒) More questions! 5)Anyone got any idea for any monster names? 6)Do we think poppy will betray us 7)Any ideas if another allied will join us? 8)Incase there is 1 any names for it? Also if ur answering a question pls add the number to the answer Hello everyone.. Im actually doing bad today One of my friends have left school I wont be editing for a while Thats 7 PEOPLE IVE LOST i need a break...
OK THIS CHAPTER WAS INSANE!!!!!!!!! I was right about Doey being able to change his shape, Yarnaby's boss sequence was pretty cool once you got the hang of it, the segment with Baba Chops and The Doctor was awesome, and of course the boss fight with Doey. They really took the feedback from Catnap's boss fight and made sure the one with Doey was better and man they took the feedback well. You did it Mob, you've satisfied me. The boss fight with Doey was phenomenal. I am so sad that he died though.. he really just got mad at us cause of the Safe Haven getting blown up and his friends getting killed, which was the Prototype's doing not us. The vhs tapes provided lots of interesting lore too. I am mad at how Pianosaurus didn't even have a minute of screentime. Like Doey just torn that dude to pieces. Anyways time for the last part. OLLIE THAT LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T I KNEW IT WASN'T HIM. I KNEW THE PROTOTYPE WAS MIMICKING HIS VOICE THE MINUTE THERE WAS ALL THAT STATIC! I am glad we got to not only hear the Prototype and see him confront us, but we even saw more of his body while trying to get to Safe Haven. Ngl I really thought Ollie wasn't the Prototype for a second when he warned us the Prototype is outside but then again.. what better way to conceal his identity even more? Harley Sawyer was right, Poppy left us to die because she was afraid to end up back in her case. I don't think she wanted to though, but she is scared. Scared of returning to the case and just being trapped forever. Kissy tried saving us but she was so weak that her arm fell off and we fell to our doom. I'm not sure how we survived that fall tbh. But the end of this chapter was insane. I can tell that chapter 5 is the finale because of it. We see the VHS of Leith Pierre and he said something very similar to what he said in the chapter 1 vhs. "You not supposed to be here". The minute he said that, I knew Huggy was gonna show up. And I was right. He did survive the fall, of course with wounds. I feel that these VHS of Leith Pierre aren't just for any intruder and is directed at us. As if he knows we're here. I don't know if Pierre survived the Hour of Joy but if he did, I think these VHS tapes mean a lot more. Now with our allies split up, Doey dead, Kissy left on her own wounded, Poppy running away, and us in the depths of Playtime Co. once more, the home of the Prototype, this is where it all ends. Chapter 5 will be the end to this. Huggy Wuggy probably won't be the main antagonist obviously but he will be one of the main monsters to hunt us down throughout the lab. I am curious as to who the other monsters will be besides him and the Prototype. Anyways essay's times over. If you chose to read all that, then hope you have a great day/night.
The yellow cassette tape said a no no word
5:02:46 Bro I thought he said balls too 😭
4:20:38 I predicted the end Of chapter 4 😂😂
Dang 1.5 milly views on a school day stream. W Kreek :_kreekParty::_kreekCaughtIn8K: 8:20:43
7:18:59 I haven't finished the video yet but this part lowkey scared me 😭 8:05:04 OH MY GOD WAIT-
Mommy: "Mommy knows other ways to play with you." Kreekcraft: WHAT 2. 1:43:40 his pants were a different color.. so pink? 3. 2:56:17 When You ask dad for help: 4. THE BARRELS NOOOOOOOOOOO 5. The Fall Of 87 oh wait no, The Bite Of 87 they call it. 6. AI: Is kissy gonna be ok? Kreek: "NO she's DEAD." 7. "Huggy Meets Huggy"