Hope you can come to Italy, in the future. We need this movement 💪🏻 In the meantime, I’ll spread this lovely lifestyle ✨
I watched Homesteadhow when I was chronically ill with infections. It changed my life and family’s life. After adopting Carnivore my illness went, my partners IBS was cured and my son who was a thirteen stone 12 year old lost over two stone and could play in sports without being left behind by his peers. Oh, and a weird one, my life long asthma is apparently no longer life long. No more inhalers.
Homesteadhow is what kept me pushing little by little bit by bit everyday to become the best version of myself...
Thank You For THE TRUTH💙💛❤
I started carnivore in December, but have been pretty solid since January 1. I feel great, thanks to you and other proponents of this way of life.
I'm here!! Week 2 of Carnivore. I've watched your videos religiously the past week. Thank you so much! Leandri from Namibia (Africa)
OMGosh...! I am getting choked up just watching this. It's really happening. I've been along with you from the beginning. Yes, it' is all a journey - life, and how you live yours. I like Kerry's saying; Be the captain of your own ship. Many people will tell you not to "try" this WOE. They actually seem very afraid. It's YOUR body. You decide what goes in it and how to treat yourself. When I began my carnivore journey I told one person, a personal trainer. He suggested no, just stick to a "balanced diet". I'd done that - forEVER. It was no longer working. I felt like I was starving all the time, I thought about food ALL the time. I was 60 lbs heavier than I should be and could barely lose ten lbs and it would come right back. I started watching tons of videos and actively eating this way and in 3-5 days felt so much better even only losing a few lbs. I didn't need anyone's permission to do it or continue. I did not consult a doctor or anyone. Best choice ever.
I shared carnivore with a client. I havent seen him in a month. Friday I had to meet him. He lost 40 lbs going Carnivore in a month! He said he has had back pain since he was a teenager and he is about 50 now. He said he is never hungry and hasn't had any pain in his back, feet or hands. I am so excited for him! He said he can't believe it. First time since before his wrestling accident in high school he has been pain free. Amazing what sharing with someone who is actually listening will do! I have told so many people including my husband and mother but they will NOT do it. Sad. So happy my client is on our journey!
Thank you for sharing information about this healing diet. I have Crohn’s disease and my doctor is pushing for the intense treatments involving transfusions and/or injections. I am trying to encourage this community to look into diet instead! I was in remission for 18 months with the carnivore lifestyle.
That’s awesome that will be a great time!
I saw myself in this video 😅 that’s cool
🎉 you own your health not the medical system.
Kerry I am speechless
Thank you 🙏🏼
Got my ticket !
By now you should know my journey since I have shared so many times. Carnivore over a year now. 86 pound’s of fat gone . Congestive heart failure no longer an issue, A1C at last labs 5.7 and scheduled for new labs march 31, 2025. I get them twice a year, every year. I also get echocardiograms once a year and my cardio doctor said to me, “keep doing what you are doing because it is working! “. Cholesterol, good, anemia, no longer, ted blood cell count normal now. In fact all are normal. I am having too low a blood pressure now, so cardio doctor is taking me off the last two of what was four meds now. I keep up with testing myself daily on blood pressure. I am improving daily. I could go on with other diseases I am now in remission, but it would be a lengthy post. I eat; first meal three pasture raised eggs, four slices of bacon, electrolyte water. My second meal is consumed within six hours and is usually some kind of beef and seafood, pork, on occasion chicken. I eat until I am full. I eat fat! Butter, ghee, fat off meat. My favorite meal? Fatty Ribeye. I am at 95% healed. Still have a tiny bit of psoriasis. I have had it 61 years. I am going to be 68 in few months. My hair is growing again! I do intermittent fasting 18 hours a day. I do a two day fast building up to longer ones once a month. I can drink coffee with whipping cream or butter if I want any. Right now this is working for me, so until it stops working, which I don’t think it will, I will continue eating Carnivore. ❤thanks goes to God first because he kept putting Dr. Berry’s videos on my Utube Page. I finally gave in and clicked it! I am a believer in this way of eating. ❤If you are hesitant, just give it a month. That’s all it took for me to start seeing healing results! These guys helping us are amazing! ❤
You have many t shirts to chose from. I like ladies v- neck. Tunic
You friend are a hero ❤