
both of these vocals are so warm and comforting ✨✨


Ella should be more popular great voice and always different kind of songs


Sounds like Smith & Thell music


The sweetest voice in the world


I absolutely love Ella Henderson ever since 2012, and I have been watching on and off, Alex and Kouvr's relationship blossom, over the years. -i am glad two talented artists came together and created this beautiful piece. ✨ Sending love from the North. 🇨🇦


What a brilliant version with Ella singing too. They sound perfect together. 👍👌🎶🎵❤️


I dream of Ella singing for James Bond one day. Her voice will be PERFECT !


This music makes me happy.


Love the song it really hit   me hard almost got me 😢 tears


The Ella Henderson version


Never seen this combo coming but so glad it’s here needed this


This is beautiful , I really like it Ella Henderson you are a nice person . and nice singer


We needed this 💗🙏🏻


Great song,,amazing voices ❤


I really love her voice this is one good Song




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Great voice ❤