
I love the way Harry gets excited and happy whenever he sees Sirius. His smile is so genuine and big, a total opposite to his usual, much more subdued appearance. You can clearly see how much he loves his godfather, and how strong their bond is.


Remus and Sirius made a great job being Harry's father for James.


Sirius: breath

Molly: glaring intensify


The last secong serius expression is super 
He is like: so you see , that's ma boy 🤭


I like Remus’ opinion on Fear making people do terrible things considering his best mate betrayed him out of fear


Tonks is legendary


It's clear that Sirius regards harry as an equal, he probably sees him as James and treats him as much. Interestingly, Lupin is the one who embodies the archetypal godfather role, and then later saddles harry with the same responsibility.


Wish Harry should’ve go live with Sirius instead of the Dursleys.


my right ears favorite scene


something he didn’t have before...
a nose perhaps?


0:56 what proof does he have on Dumbledore?




Good 😊 job


0:15 why do they look similar




Ugh I hate how it's higher pitched. Good clip though.


Dragon ball z and the sonic the hedgehog franchises could learn a thing or two.... scratch that, they could learn a thousand things from Harry Potter, Avatar the last airbender, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


How to get movie clips like this in a splitted form


Sirius Black of Harry Potter=Tony Stark of MCU