Seriously thanks dude! I wish I've seen this vid before! Every game on my laptop runs pretty decent now, and had a huge change in games like dark souls 2 and mortal kombat, thanks a lot!!!
You fixed everything wrong I’ve had with my pc. First video I watched that helped fixed FPS lag in destiny 2 and pubg. Ty very much. I almost bought a new gpu, motherboard, and cpu Lul. Ty again
Super useful man! Thanks! Love from India!
Again super useful! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Thanks a bunch! 👍🏻😁
Thanks! Great Video. Helped Lots. Thumbs up
I increased from 45 to 67 fps with these settings on BDO (Bladk desert online) thanks dude :D
This helps a lot, from 10fps now to 30fps and above. awesome! be safe!
Thank you so much. I have now 60 Fps instead of 45 Fps in Very High (GTA5)
It's been a year, I still use this after every update. Best settings!
whoa, THANK YOU this helped alot! Radeon is a beast!
Dude this certainly did help! Many thanks :D
Thanks man it made my game better :)
thanks dude was rly helpful, have a nice day
Dislike, You gave me too much fps, i used to be on 50 now u gave me 4,003 fps
Thank you so much this helped alot subbed and liked the video
my fps up, 85 ---> 110 thanks bro
Thank you for the guide / knowledge that you shared, it really helped me and other people and the game I played was lighter than before
Im running smooth in minecraft on high settings! :D thanks!
Thank you brother, it works very well and almost feels like a new pc with me now. One thing to say is that the last part of the vid is most likely removed with new updates. Thx again