
My best friend of 17 years (since we were born) ghosted me when I needed her most. This song describes what I feel perfecty.


Im screaming this song. My ex fiance of over 3 years packed up in 4 hours and just left. Left all his stuff, all the animals, everything. It was impossible at first, but after months of healing, I'm just mad about how I was treated. I'm mad that I let myself be treated that way.


This song is a walk down memory lane, I don't think there's anyone who can't relate to this song


this has to be one of the best songs released in 2024 by far. Keep up the good work Alex!!!!


if i wasn’t the chronically single friend i would die for this song! it’s so good!


Alex, the lyrics in the description are from "burning down", not "yard sale"...


perfect song to start off fall


Dude, awesome song. πŸ’ͺ






Wrong lyrics in the description


28 seconds agoooo


One of the first comments


Firsttt 30seconds


Why is this prohibited in Russia?