Got a W on the red clay foams, super happy to see all the W’s people have been getting!
Only hit on 1 pair the 350 v2 compact pandas. Really wanted those Azzure slides like bad😅
Fantastic video , keep up , big love from Malaysia 🙌🏻
Got the carbon beluga and zebra. Just received the carbon beluga today, I just noticed the shoelaces comes in different lengths, is this normal? 😅
Copped the pirate blacks & the Utility black 500s! Super excited for them to come in.
I was super bummed, I missed them all besides the CMPCT 350s which I feel were easy to get… awesome video!!
I copped the zebras yesterday and was so surprised on that W, great to see the positive vibe
It’s funny cause the construction vibe is what I like about the carbon balugas lol, rock a safety orange hoodie with it and you’re good 👌
I was able to grab 3 pairs on Yeezy Day & was really happy with my results. Got the most important pair of the day Pirate Black’s, Clay Taupe Foam’s & Onyx Slides. Really happy with my results & can’t wait for them to come in.
Well it finally happened... I entered into all the raffles not wanting any of them really but just so used to not winning just wanted to feel something and won them all... I will never financially recover from this
I pulled pirate blacks love em
I was able to get the carbon belugas and onyx slides with no issue I can't wait to get them in the mail!
Phew, got every pair I signed up for with no probs except that Pirate Black drop which was Fyre Fest level shenanigans (still managed to cop). Congrats to those who got what they wanted.
Was awesome to see a lot of people getting W’s. I was able to cop the Onyx 350’s, belugas, & onyx slides. Never thought I’d have that much success on the confirmed app!
i got Yeezy 350 black, it is crazy I can still get these
The Yeezy V2’s are 🔥🔥
Got a W on the pirate blacks. I am super pumped and can’t wait to wear them
I copped the belugas and the pirate blacks
Stop saying it was the last drop. There’s 110% going to be more pairs releasing. Mx slides, 500 tactical highs, etc.