He's running this country like he's a mobster
Trump is a lunatic
He is insane if he thinks Canada is just gonna say “ Oh please Mr. President please no more tariffs we”ll be your 51st state”
It is sad that people can’t speak the truth about Trump without their job being in jeopardy
What freedom of the press? Let the man speak!!! We need BLUNT TRUTH!!!
We’re living in a world where telling the truth is brave, and can end your livelihood. We’ve gone off the rails
Listen to Kelly’s response: “he was just angry about the retaliatory tariffs”…. What?!?! He got upset, so that makes it ok to threaten Canadian sovereignty??? THAT’S the temperament we want in our president?!?
DON'T FORGET!!! 🔵March 14th--Veteran's March in DC!! If your uniform still fits, PLEASE wear it & meet at the NATIONAL MALL!! 🔵March 15th--Heritage Foundation Rally in DC!! 🔵March 16th--BIG RALLY IN DC!! 💙💙If you can't travel to DC but still want to SHOW YOUR SUPPORT....STAY HOME & BUY NOTHING!!! 💙💙Stay SAFE & Stay CIVIL!!! We DON'T Want To Give Them ANY Reason For Them To Call For MARTIAL LAW!!!!
He speaks the truth. And so glad he shut her down.
Hey look someone with a spine. That's hard to find nowadays
This gentleman has a brain. RESPECT to you sir.💪💪💪
Finally, someone has the stones to go on TV and say it. Hang on America cause we are screwed.
This is what the poorly educated voted for.
This is a democracy. You should never be afraid to speak the truth.
"I'm gonna say this at risk of my job" respect earned.
Ask yourself this: If you were Vladimir Putin, what would you want the US to be doing? Exactly. Just what Orange Weakness is doing now.
This is heroic. This is not small. Celebrate this man.
“ he was mad about the electricity tariffs” give me an effing break stop making excuses for this lunacy. I am so happy to see someone finally stand up.
Thank you for having balls. Need more people like you.