
Video by Dim, i will test some team if beta files are leaked

This video may be deleted due to copyright issues


1:15 The Wipeout's gonna be epic.


Yep... i guess I'm gonna be pulling for every character at this point....


Peak weapon design
Her katana has extended tube grip which extend, changing it to Nagitana


1:15 That walk ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›


She easily has the coolest defensive assist animation in the game


Wait her weapon is a katana and a Naginata! That so cool



This is how I wish Raiden Shogun actually felt like to play.


The gracefulness in the way she carries herself is so damn peak!!!


Hoyo really knows how to design their electro mommies




she's absolutely owning that elegant lady look and im all for that.




She is the storm that is approaching xD


1:14  im dying


Holy moly, those animations are something else. Sorry Burnice, Sorry Lighter but Yanagi is where its at.




1:13 reminded me of acheron's skill


i take it back, the more i look at her anims theyre growing on me, esp the ult, this is really good


imagine teaming her up with rina and grace. i dont care if this team sucks cuz i just want to have 3 H cups mamas on the scene XD