My favourite old Chinese proverb sounds something like this - “If only we could slow down, happiness would catch up to us”.
Dewayne sir, you have a strange ability to release videos in a moment of my life I really need them, covering topics matching the struggle. And for that, I really thank you because the work you do brings good to many parts of the world. Kind regards from Spain, I just wish I could spend some time there with you all.
The last words my late father said to me was you need to take care of yourself before you take care of others. Tough lesson for a 30 year old Linux sys admin in IT for over 12 years and working since 12. But enough is enough, love this video and the comments.
I am the sole provider for my family. I work overtime every week so my wife can be with our son. It is stressful and I do get burnt out. This year we spent 4 days in the mountains and just had quality time, went for walks on trails, played with our son all day. It was the best 4 days of my life I will never forget it. It made me want to work less and spend more time with them.
Reading a great book currently about neuroscience and how surgeons and master musicians and professional athletes and many other art forms actually BENEFIT from taking breaks more often, getting adequate sleep instead of depriving sleep (as I’ve done my whole life) and letting your brain work while resting which helps memory and more successful surgeons and musicians in all research studies. The brain works and memorizes and creates new synapses while RESTING more than while working. The working is for creating new neurological connections but the rest actually creates the bonds that make you better. Resting - taking breaks - very important and fascinating.
I agree, Dwayne. Life is very short. I remember watching Gary Vee years ago pushing for hustle culture, for cranking out content as fast as possible. The hype was powerful but short lived. I am 43 now, and I know that statistically I am halfway home. Introspection and savoring the moment is more and more precious to me.
Dewayne, you are a blessing to all who listen. This old timer wisdom just isn't spread anymore, and you are filling that hole as well as anyone could.
I’m at my lowest point I can imagine. I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear this right now
Proverbs 16:16 - How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver! Wise wise man, Mr. Dewayne! Ever so grateful for your words my friend. #GodBless
I’ve worked damn near nonstop for 10 years and yes I’ve come a long way but man I turned 30 in October and something hit me telling me to slow way down and reevaluate and I’ve never felt that way before. I’ve missed out on too many “little” things for the sake of $$$. Thanks for this video Dwayne.
From a 53 year old wore out dude, I fully agree. People are in too big of a hurry anymore. To get the most out of life, learn from what your doing, you cannot do that if you are in a big hurry all the time. If your in a big hurry all the time, the subtle and good things about life will elude you. Life is not a race or a contest. It's your life, live it to your benefit.
This was right on time. I needed to hear this..."just chill". "Take my foot off the gas" for a little bit. Thank you!
Navy flight taught me one of the most essential skills i've ever put into practice with my life... just took me 6 years being separated to learn it... slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. You need to slow down, to speed up.
Interesting that a retired Navy Seal and an experienced horseman would give the exact same advice. You're providing a great service by sharing your wisdom. Thank You
Thank you sir. I like to make knives, and I was making pretty good money doing it on the side to help supplement my family and our small ranch. Business really picked up and the orders kept coming in. Soon. I quit enjoying it and things around me started to suffer. This thing that I had had really enjoyed doing on the side for a little extra jingle in my jeans was ruling me. I got a hold of my customers and let them know that it was going to be a bit and I took a break. Now I don't make so many, and I make the ones I enjoy. Hustle leads to loss. Have a great day, God bless
You will only be young once. Dont forget to enjoy it. I wish i had done that more
Thank you, Dewayne. I really, really needed to hear this today. I'm 25, and I've been trying to keep pushing for the past six months or so (the same as the 24-year-old you mentioned), but I haven't been getting where I'm trying to go. It feels like the universe or something is just trying to keep me still. And, at first, I didn't really understand it and I was starting to resent it... but it makes perfect sense. It's funny, too, because I've been trying to mentally take a step back and understand that what I have going on right now is actually really great (I have a job that I love, it's basically zero stress with tons of freedom, and I make decent money so I can pay all my bills, save a lot, and have a little fun), but this hustle culture makes me feel like it's not good enough (particularly because I'm not able to go on fancy vacations or buy cool new cars, etc.). And I've been beating myself down because of it and trying to push myself harder and harder. I was just so stuck on where I thought I "should be" that I haven't realized how good I have it right here and now. It felt like you were talking directly to me and your message actually brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing what wisdom really is in this situation because you're so right.
I don‘t usually comment on videos on Youtube, but you don‘t know how much I needed to hear this today. I‘ve been hustling hard in my job the last two years and built a lot of cool things at the expense of sleep and my mental health. Today I realized that my efforts are not appreciated in a way that would justify my sacrifices. So now for the first time in two years, it’s time to take the foot off the gas while I contemplate what to do next. Previously I would have thought the answer is to work even harder, but there’s no point. No amount of effort will change this, at least not at my current workplace. Now it’s time to slow down so I can change directions. Thank you for your wisdom!
Great advice! I was in the military for many years and most of the time attached to some form of special operations. We were always taught, "slow is smooth and smooth is fast". Thank you for your wisdom.