
It's finally time for 'er ladyship's finest... Parker, that is... to talk about the rather nifty Rolls Royce known better to fans of Mister h'Anderson's work as 'FAB 1'!


U know for a man who is almost 95 years old, David Graham never fails to deliver a gr8 voice acting!


We are so lucky to have these guest speakers to impart their knowledge to us.


One morning in 1975  Sydney, I was in my pyjamas watching Thunderbirds screened at 6.00am on Channel 9; my father walked past, bowl of cornflakes in hand...his statement: "Ooh that's Lady Penelope, best looking piece of wood I've ever seen!"   Classy, thanks dad.


I squealed when I heard Parker!

I think most of us would pay to see FAB 1 v TB4


FAB1 racing TB4 isn't something I've ever wanted before but very much want now


Very good to hear from Parker regarding the FAB-1. I didn't know his first name is Aloysius! Can't wait for a drag race between TB-4 and FAB-1.


What a treat hearing all the dropped and uncalled for H`s , from the man himself , he based this way of speaking on a west end waiter ,but never told the waiter his voice was copied for fear of offending the old boy .


Another amazing TT with Parker talking us through the the most iconic Rolls Royce of all time.  Looking forward to a Gordon cameo and TB4 tech talk next week already.


David Graham is a treasure. The only man who truly is Parker.


The car is beautiful…Lady Penelope is even more beautiful 😀👍🏼


Loved it. I’m in my 50’s and loved watching the Thunderbird’s.


Rolls Royce officially gave the Andersons licence for FAB 1. At the time, and maybe still, it was the only vehicle allowed to bear the Spirit Of Ecstacy that didn't have a chassis built by Rolls Royce.


Bless, love this vehicle, saw a Dinky one in Margate for 90 quid with box, wishing now Id bought it, also back in the 90's while stationed at RAF Catterick, took my family to the Car's The Star Museum in Keswick in Cumbria (sadly gone now) and saw the real full scale FAB 1 built for the Movie Thunderbird 6, always wondered where it is now.


The best way to start off my Saturday mornings. As always, Brains delivers with style. Jolly well done.


I'd always wondered whether FAB1 was actually destroyed in the Skyship 1 crash, or whether for some reason it wasn't loaded for the final leg of the journey. Now we know.


God have i missed parkers voice, David Graham has still got it thanks for these Jamie, My son Lewis and I are enjoying these.


Priceless! many thanks!!!!


I call this one of the best ways to re-introduce the old series to a new generation, if I didn't say so before.


OHOHOHOHO!!! THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!! Especially with that iconic Parker Voice on the line! In fact I wouldn't mind some Tech Talk about FAB 2 in the future! True pity however that David Graham's gone to a peaceful end after 'is retirement, but I'm sure John Culshaw will still prove just as well...