
Idk you but I couldn't be prouder of you. You are a true definition of not being a product of your up bringing but you never forget where you came from. I respect that. Hugs


This song is so beautiful
 It has me in tears because my mother in laws cousin is in her final couple of weeks left with us here on earth. Her battle with cancer is coming to an end. I heard this song for the first time the night before last and I silently cried laying next to my husband in bed. I want so badly to share this with my mother in law because she lost her dad to cancer as well February 18, 2003. It was hard on her because she has always been one to be there for her parents. I just know that she is wondering if he would be proud of the woman she is today. She's not the same woman she wan before she passed. She became a grandmother to 2 boys a divorcee sadly but doing so much better and a mother in law to 2 daughter in laws. He would have been so excited to see his grandson met a woman who loves him for who he is and who wouldn't change a thing about him. He would see all the great things that have happened. Thank you for writing this. It truly is beautiful and means souch to everyone who hears it ❤❤❤❤


It actually does to be honest, and every lyric is true too he has saved us a seat at the table and it is his blood that we bleed. Praise Jesus. God bless man


this song is so good ima cry 😭


I can hear it 2 ways. A child proud of their  parents and family that came before. 

But I can also see it as a worship song. Still a child happy of where they came from. 

But I haven't heard the entire song. So my thoughts may not be correct for the whole song.


A lot of worship song have become massive hits over the years & in away either way you look at it it actually is. Your parents would be proud, it's a beautiful song.❤


Fuck yeah! That raw emotion is pure worship


I remember being a fan of you and kover since you guys started posting together. So glad to see you guys are doing so well and your music finally becoming noticed. Always rememeber the sky is the limit☺️


Both ways are beautiful … it makes it all the more magnificent that your parents and your HEAVENLY Father can all enjoy it 🤍


Makes me cry in the best way possible


God is a parental figure after all.


So Beautiful love this song


Maybe make a gospel song just saying 🤷‍♀️


Great song


We need more wholesale music. There's a lot of us going back to Christ our Savior. God bless you. Keep safe in the industry they are dark souls


Thank you Jesus!❤


moved me to tears


love it


Wait this is the same guy wha-