
My knee surgery was the most painful thing l ever went thru. I'd rather give birth to my son again. He weighted over 9lbs and l was tiny. I didn't take the addicting strong pain pills for more than 3 days though because the constipation the pills caused was more unbearable than the pain from the knee. They told me my other knee needed replaced also, but it doesn't hurt and l told the dr l'll die 1st before l ever have that knee done. That being said, the knee l had done had been in alot of pain and after about 5 yrs l can finally say l'm glad l had it done.


That ‘blue wave’ made me shut down the video I wanted to watch!


Learn About the Typical Recovery Times After Having Total Knee Replacement Surgery Here --> https://youtu.be/nE1rkPhxnxU


Just common sense


I'm so tired of AI voices


Overly windy explanation .....


Very informative


Tha k you captain obvious