
Ordered from Ali Express and want compliment them on their quick delivery and the radio 
works great.  First day hooked up to 12volt power supply and made several contacts on
40 meters, all at a distance of about 250 miles from my qth.  Qrp is my favorite part of ham radio and this little radio makes an excellent addition to my collection of tranceivers.


I have the larger 'black brick' version and have hours of fun playing around with it . Cleaning the circuit board is a must if you don't want (even more) strange things happening and junk the supplied microphone - they are rubbish. The internal mic works well and get the settings right and you can work condittions to very acceptable distances at QRP power. For a cheap portable bit of fun they are brilliant because if you drop them (I have) it's not an instant gasp of horror. I use mine on a small magnetic loop and on a EFHW which it seems to work best on. The black brick has an internal battery (great and lasts for hours) but the extra bands are rubbish as the tx power is so low. 73 M7BLC.  NB - SWR needs to be well below 1.5 for good results.


i have one and it works so well (in CW) on my FD3 Antenne.. i use a Atu-100 tuner. I have QSO,s almost every day with europe (20m often with 599 Rprt). Great nice qrp rig! i love it. 72 & 73 de HB9LBX


Bought a truSDX kit some time ago. It features a small oled display and I could choose if I wanted the lower bands oder the higher bands. Wired it so that now it covers 80,60,40,30 and 20m. It is quite ok for such a small radio. It has a  proper tx signal ; not standard with chinese qrp rigs. Thanks for the video!!!


Just ordered one a couple days ago.  Love the form factor as it's more like the qcx mini than any other of the SDX variants.  Time to start planning an internal battery and usb-c mod.
Thanks for the run down.


the ssb audio quality is much good than usdx v2 plus thanks for this review goog job EA4GND thanks


The Chinese writing on the end plate translates as "I have you in my dream, very nice!"


For that price you may as well get the 5 band trusdx


1) How much does the actual transceiver weight?
2) Is the CW key connector 3 or 4 pin?


this Radio and a 40 meter EFHW  a rechargeable 12 volt battery and a BOOFWang UV-5r 
and a rollup up Jpole and you have a nice small and cheap go box com setup for the ShoeString Budget folks


I Bought it a couple of weeks ago, I believe it needs new firmware because it is for three bands and the software supports all HF bands, and also the software  has SWR/PWR  indication   but there is no ferrite core inside detecting SWR/PWR. The last problem have turned me to open the cabinet to check why the SWR /PWR indication was Inop, it was showing permanent SWR 9,9 when it was ON, and I found that there is no SWR/PWR sensor Hi Hi I have also installed pins to ISP programing provision on PCB for future firmware update, and the last, in order to save money they used two M3 screws to support the display board on mother board instead of four as it happens to your radio too Hi Hi


I want to ask a question do you need a roof top radio antenna to get good TX/REC?


Looks like a great cheap radio for JS8Call.


I like it as a back up, also the price is good.


Какова частота установленного туда кварцевого резонатора? 16 или 20 МГц?


Would like to have one too for mobile use attaching the audio out to the car audio system


Hey Matt. Have you tried to populate the USBC space with a connector? They can be found free(ish) on vape pens! I have some here and would love to know if population of this connection makes sense.

73 for now

Thanks for the video!


Looks pretty rough inside. Like its been through the dishwasher 😮


For this amount of money, you can get a QMX with the same form factor and that is a superior radio in my view. You should test it IMHO...