
I got to know you when I was in prison in England, at HMP Wayland. The Muslim chaplaincy uploads your qutbas and talks on the prison digital platform. What a way to teach the lost ones the way ahlu sunnah wal jama’ah. Jazakallah ❤


You are 💯 right sheikh , I tried and saw mind blowing results after watching your lecture on hazrat abdul rahman ibn auf (RA) , jazakallah may Allah give a chance to meet you.


Masha allah


Helpful lecture


Mashallah very helpful lecture.


Helpful dawa


Jazak Allah khair mufti sahaaab


This lecture would be beneficial if money actually existed


MA, Allah bless the efforts.


mashallah, very helpful


Amazing lecture but can you please give us some tangible and practical ways to help those who are attached to money and wealth, what can we do to not be attached.


great lecture