
MashaAllah alhumdolillah Allah hu Akbar marhaba marhaba marhaba marhaba


MashAllah Taiwanese Brothers and Sisters, Welcome To İslam. ❤


Welcome to Islam ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Alhamdulillah 💐🌹


It’s so nice to see so many accepting to follow their Creator,for the first time in their lives. Welcome to Islam


Masya Allah Alhamdulillah.






alhamdulillah very nice 
they are successfull


masha AllahAlhamdulilah❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤




allahu akbar አላሁ አክበር




Ya Allah Forgive Everyone Aameen Sumah Aameen


May Allah bless you all ! Ameen




ما شاء الله تبارك الرحمن


Alhamdu lillah ❤


The Vloger of this Channel is performing a Tremendous Job But it is Noted that Many pictureS are being repeated in his All Vlogs of Different Countries of the Whole world. Which are making All  Vlogs Doubtful. The Vloger should look at this Point seriously And Remove All doubtful pictures which are being Repeated in his Vlogs. Kindly Make Sure That Your All Vlogs Are Doubt free , genuine and Reliable   . Thanks.


Your Headlines are depicting your own mind. BUDHA didn’t panic. Just,stick to what you want to say. Please say things in a peaceful and positive manner.thanks