
Thank you this is so easy to understand as always and not long video like others out there. You really are the best Sweetily! :face-red-heart-shape:


Probably one of the best Wuwa guides out there, easy to understand and straight to the point! Thank you for your work!!




To the point, easy to understand, an awesome guide, I hope you continue to build on this. A proper slowed real time demonstration for her was all I needed, thank you.


thank you so much for this guide! I watch so many other videos trying to explain carlotta's rotation and they just left me so confused. 

Your video was straight to the point, what I need to do, how to do it. Thank you!


you know I see a lot of guides and not only is this the easiest to follow. It's also the most pleasing to listen to.


She wasn't impressive to me from just the portrait alone, but then the trailers and animations dropped and I was sold. Early pity FTW, babyyyyyy!! 
As usual, thanks for the quick and resourceful guide!
Now to just hoard for Zani... <3


great video! really needed it especially for the rotations guide, she feels really good to play and her animations are nice and smooth


4:32 this is helpful, thank u so much


Nice one Sweetily! Videos like that posted BEFORE people need to decide are very helpful, because we don't have to wait and search.

Having one Atk% 3-cost Echo also seems to have more value than two Glacio damage because the Sonata Effect gives a lot of Glacio and Skill % damage, so the bonus from Glacio 3-cost gets diluted. Her signature with it's lower base Atk and high Skill damage buff further increases the difference between Atk% Echo and Glacio damage.

Well, I've got a lot of pulls saved up and my next pull is guaranteed thanks to a random Encore in a 10-pull I did right after I got Camellya S2 on the last day of her banner to try and get Lumi (I did). I'm going to check out Carlotta in the trial soon, and play the story to see which character I like more, her or Roccia.
Either way, I'm pulling for Zhezhi first since I should be close to soft pity with all the pulls I have plus the free ones. She'll make my Jinhsi much stronger, and if I end up pulling for Carlotta, her too.

But even if I don't end up getting Carlotta, I wish every Carlotta wanter to be a Carlotta haver.


:_swtSwt::_swtCheer:Thank you for the carlotta video and another informative wuwa video! We going swtpew with this one:_swtFlower::_swtPeek: Good luck to everyone with pulls!:_swtSwt:


You are my favorite content creator when it comes to GACHA games (I always prefer your channel when it comes to what characters to pull and how to build them). Keep progressing sweetly, you have my full support. :hands-yellow-heart-red:


Thank you for the amazing guide as always :_swtSwt:no swtPew emote here but lots of swtPew swtPew :_swtXDD:I managed to get both Zhezhi and Carlotta with the pulls I has saved up, surely I'll be able to get enough pulls for her weapon too:_swtCheer:


Great video! Straight forward and concise, after learning how to play her I honestly think she's the strongest character in the game now


Thankyou for making this very indepth Carlotta guide :_swtSwt:


great vid, sweetily! in just 9mins you gave me the general idea of how to play carlotta. it's all i needed. :)


Thanks for the video Sweetily!  She looks so good!  The rotation diagrams are the really nice touch 💯


Amazing gameplay swtYay


thank you for the video!!! really needed the guide for rotations swtYay


best explanation i have seen so far. good job.