Loved your style!
Mad props for the raw honesty despite being a new creator and having a relationship with RAMA. Really setting yourself up nicely for the future. Love your work as always mate.
Excited to try these. Especially after you two chat about it at 0:58. Great review and content.
Beautiful vid. 🤌🏼 Subbed
Great to see your channel is popping off! I mentioned it before, but the quality of these vids is just there on all fronts. I like mechanical keyboard content but I feel like you could honestly make videos about anything and it would be super worth watching.
Thanks for having me on, Avi! Incredible work once again, you're bringing something truly special to the hobby!!
Oooooh you got me excited for my samples. Nice to see Anzel’s face in your video as well. Y’all are twinning hard.
The subtle editing nuances, the inclusion of mistakes used as comic relief, you make everything look effortless, which is so, so refreshing 😀
woke up to another Avi video!! poggers, love the new review style and talking straight about Rama's communication issue, straight forward
i loved the editing of this video!
when I saw anzel Ima be honest I thought it was you
I am so stoked for what your content is already bringing to the community. And you’ve got me considering an order of these for my Frog, not that you intended for that. But your reaction has me very interested.
Thanks so much for doing this video Avi and being honest, the quality of your work is incredible and we can’t wait to see more! 💛💛💛
Your channel actually deserves more subscribers. I love your production quality and the aesthetics of your videos are sooo on point. I subscribed to you when you only had 500 subs and i fell in love with your style of making videos. Keep up the amazing work!
These switches sound really great stock - especially in the Frog. Love your style of editing and shooting. Keep it up!
This is really special video. Love your style of editing and can't wait to see more.
first time viewer here, your aesthetic/cinematography (idk the word) is so damn chill and 70s, it's insane! great content man, keep it up!
1:15 Bro I'm literally subscribed to the both of you and thought you were the same guy for months!
wow I found this channel through the RAMA channel and I love your style of videography. The changing formats, the grain, the music, really nice to watch. Subbed