
My wife and I just switched from the ketogenetic diet to the Mediterranean diet.  After years of keto and losing over 25 lbs, we felt as if we were missing out on a lot of food we weren't able to eat. Let me tell you, not only have I escaped my plateu but I can honestly say that I've never been so satisfied in my life. The food we eat now is so much more healthier and tastier than I could have ever imagined.  Thanks for your vids, it  have been transformative!


I want to cry 🥹 tears of joy! I came home yesterday from a cardiologist office telling me I’m in trouble. I may have a blockage. I do have plaque on the outside of the major artery. Lost in panic stricken thoughts I was overwhelmed on how to begin the Mediterranean diet and……today ( 10-20-22) your video came in a feed! That was the Holy Spirit leading me 🙏🏻. Thank you for making such easy to understand and well put together videos ( funny too!).  I have hope in living a long , happy life with a healthy relationship with food!


I keep telling everyone who will listen: Mediterranean diet is the best, less restrictive and more sustainable diet than all the others! Delicious food! Thanks for the video!


Thank you, I have suffered Anorexia all my adult life, once diagnosed with only 3 months to live... I've never thought i was fat EVER. My Anorexia was due to alot of stress. However i found myself naturally eating these foods of the mediteranian diet.. Instead of working on weight gain i worked on nutrient level which in time got my weight up... I'm living, Breathing and functioning so much Better.... THANK YOU


The problem with eating the way I did in Greece in the USA is that I’m not doing the same stuff I did in Greece, which was walking miles up and down a mountain all day and swimming in the ocean, collecting horta with my yiayia.  Here in America we don’t have to work very hard for our next meal, hence why they came to live in NYC.


Best thing I ever did was reading the book Woman’s weight loss secrets: the unspoken truth, after applying the knowledge I got from the book I feel like the cellulite is magically disappearing from my body


I can’t lie to you, when you and your family sang your dirt made my lunch song I couldn’t help but shed some tears of joy. Growing up we ate mostly frozen foods, and all went to our separate quarters to eat and watch T.V. Watching your family not only eat a healthy meal together, but also show gratitude to the earth that made it was so inspiring. I’m currently 24, but when I think about my future life I hope to one day have the same for my family. Thank you so much for sharing ❤


Your daughter looks like an angel from heaven I swear. My husband has pre diabetes and he wants to switch to this diet. I work in a grocery store. It’s perfect!


I love this video!! The mediterranean diet is incredible. I believe that once you start eating multiple servings of vegetables and fruits every day, you can never image living another way. I swear olive oil is magical - my grandpa has always consumed an enormous amount every day (he's from Italy)...he's 95 & has always been incredibly full of energy :) We definitely shouldn't be afraid of healthy fats!


I spent some time in Sicily and the cuisine was out of this world. I didn't have any kind of meat for the duration of my time there. Actually, I didn't even realize it until I came back to the USA. I ate A LOT, probably more than I eat here in the States. I've tried following the Mediterranean diet a couple of times, and I always got bored of it or got frustrated with it. I realize now that the problem is that the idea of "dieting" (at least here in the USA), is really focused on restricting yourself. Every time I tried a diet, I restricted myself and stopped myself from enjoying certain foods simply because they are labeled "bad." This video reminded me of my experience in Italy. I didn't have to restrict myself, and I never once thought about certain foods being bad. I ate pasta, bread, lots of cheese, and lots of olive oil. Sure, 95% of what I ate was made from vegetables and fruit. But still, I never felt like I was dieting or restricting myself. I was my healthiest during my time there. 

I also realize that living in the USA, especially in my city, makes being healthy difficult. You are so consumed with work and the stress of this economy. I wish there were more green spaces in my city, and wish I actually felt safe enough to walk by myself as a young woman. In Sicily, I felt safe and comfortable. I felt motivated to walk and be active, probably because the culture is a very active one. People are always moving, people are always out and about. People enjoy the landscape, the food, the cultural festivals. I'm not saying this is impossible in the USA. Of course you can be healthy, lots of people are. However, it's not the same for all of us. Some of us really need motivation, not from people, but from our environments.


In revisiting this article after several months, it occurs to me that the magic of this diet is that it is mostly whole, fresh foods. Emphasis on fresh salads, vegetables, certain fruits, whole grains, etc. can keep us off the chemical-laden roller coaster. I have not been able to handle large amounts of oil due to gall bladder complaints, but I use it in smaller amounts, with a whole foods diet. I seem to be eating less, have fewer issues with appetite, and love the meals. I either use olive oil or ghee on my vegetables and potatoes, which makes each meal a gourmet experience.


I ran across this channel a couple years ago and keep coming back to it for inspiration and reminders how good this way of eating is.   One year ago I told myself I needed to be more careful what I was eating.  I was shocked as I started being more mindful and staying very close to this diet I dropped 25 pounds and feel so much better.  At 78 it reminded me we can do this no matter what age we are.    Keep up the good work.


I’ve been to Greece 5 times they have something we don’t have it’s that they are not nearly as stressed as we are they enjoy their day to day life and live in the moment Beautiful country Beautiful people ❤❤❤❤


I just started to eat the Mediterranean Diet this last December. I love it. I initially did it to lose weight, but I found it to be a very healthful diet. I have more energy, less stress, and my overall well-being has improved. I just subscribed to your channel yesterday. And I think that this will be the perfect companion to my diet. Thanks!!!


With the current rates of obesity and diabetes in children here in the U.S., these are probably some of the best dietary habits to instill on the kiddos. Well, kiddos and adults both. Thanks for the video! Gonna share it with my family. 🙂


I lived in Europe for 5 years and spent my summers in Spain. Their way of eating and their lifestyle is much better than what we have in America. It didnt surprise me that they live longer there.


Using more olive oil in my salad, on whole grain organic bread, and on cooked vegetables has curbed my appetite noticeably. Not only do I not want as much food at the meal even if I start out hungry, but I don't get particularly hungry between meals. On the first two days of trying out the extra oil thing, I noticed some complaining from my gall bladder area, which radiated around to my back. I knew what it was, as gall bladder pain has not been a stranger to me for much of my life. Yesterday I wasn't comfortable with the pain. But this morning it is all but gone. I wasn't hungry until noon. I fixed a big salad with all the right things, but had to cut it in half before I even sat down. The rest went in the fridge for dinner. My observation is that added oil seems to satisfy the feeling of being full, and it does it quickly at the beginning of the meal. Still exploring the whole issue.


Sweet family Bill!
I lost 10
Pounds on the Mediterranean Diet and even with chicken or fish at every meal. I’d like to go more vegetarian so will start trying more beans and lentils for protein. 
I do think the peaceful lifestyle, organically grown produce and genes have a lot to do with the Crete’s folks longevity, but we can do the best we can here in the US and still reap benefits!


Thank you for these videos. I'm suffering from lack of knowledge about what is healthy and what isn't. It's having such a bad impact on my academic lifestyle. I end up making bad decisions for weeks since I don't know things, and it just exacerbates my assumed food addiction and shows my lack of self control. I hope to use your channel to learn more about a diet i'm interested in, and maybe save myself!


I went to Italy and Greece last year for my 50th…the food was absolutely DELICIOUS and with all the walking, I ate and drank and did not feel anywhere near what I have felt when I eat back home here in the US…but this year and most recently the last two months, I have been making my own foods from scratch and it’s been amazing!! And with that that, I have started to lean more into this way of eating so I appreciate this video.