This has to be my favorite video. Love everyone's pictures! I'm all teary now!
好好聽喔~ 讓我不禁想起我媽~ 媽媽我要聽你的話!!
很溫暖的歌聲,很用心的編輯 謝謝你的分享,期待你的歌聲能感動更多人
10 Years ago. Still my favorite Cover version!!!
Heasd both of these songs before. Liked both of these songs before. Never cried while listening to them... till now. This was truly lovely.
o wow ting mama de hua just amazing
beautiful done Dawen so awesome
love you so much you have amazing voice
I almost burst into tears
真的很觸動人心 謝謝!
oh mom is in hk!!! come n visit again more!!!
剛剛才因為想家哭了好久 現在又想哭了
很感人 : )
You drove me to tears!