
Join the waitlist for the 5 Hour Youtuber https://yt.gbult.co/5hrWaitlist


I have made 240 videos and only have 67 subscribers, but at nearly 72 years of age, I am having fun making and editing videos and truly enjoy the process.


Feeling disheartened. I am leaving this comment here so that after some hours, days, weeks, months or years when someone likes or comment on it, I will be reminded that I didn’t give up


I started my channel today. Thank you. It's my birthday and I need positive change in my life.


I started mine last week just to have a creative outlet and a place to talk freely about the books I read.


I started my Homesteading and building a house for $20,000 channel about a month ago. I like the idea of my grandkids watching. I don't live near them, so it helps.


Started my YouTube channel few weeks ago and I've got 5 subscribers that I'm thankful for 😅 Feels good man


I started my channel yesterday, after months of thinking (maybe) too much about doing it. Thank you for your video!


Starting a youtube channel is a chance to express yourself and improve your skills. I started with the intent to build something I'm proud of. Every big creator started with zero. What matters is consistency, passion, and enjoying the process. Even though I'm one of those with low views and subs I still enjoy every step and day that goes into content production. Hang in there and keep going! The audience will come with time.


I finally started my YouTube journey this month and posted my first video yesterday! I’ve been putting this off for so long, but I’m glad I pushed past the hesitation, hit record, and put it out there.


I started my YouTube channel just a month ago, and so far, I have 147 subscribers, I'm working hard every day to create valuable content, and seeing my small channel growing every day means the world to me and making me happy.😊


I have 88 subscribers after 13 years. I don't believe in success in youtube. I just use YouTube as a free storage for my dear memories. One can upload and keep 20000 tb of videos for free!! That is unique.


Gabe is right about 2 things.  Some of the most successful videos on my channel are just me shooting the breeze about what I’ve been up to.  And I do feel like I’m finding my people.  A lot of comments I get are from people who have the same interests as me.  And as long as my channel is relatively small, I can respond to every comment, so it feels like community too.


I have been wanting to do a channel since my husband passed away in 2018. Never watched YouTube before he passed away and I love it. It’s been a huge blessing to me. Ok so help me please to overcome these obstacles. #1) It seems technically hard to start. I’m 74 a baby boomer and scared to make a mistake just installing the channel and needing the right equipment. #2) is the up keep time consuming regarding nurturing comments etc.I still work. Not a lot of time. #3) being very vulnerable but being 74 concerned about how I will look on camera. Use to be a Farrah Faucet beauty and I’m often told I look in my 50’s but everyone on YouTube is beautiful. I know it’s so vain. Sorry.


I finally started posting on my channel on Oct. 7th.  I had been putting it off for years.  I was letting fear hold me back.  It’s been great watching you grow.


I have  20 videos and 11 subscribers. I am grateful for every single one of  them. I will continue to learn and post my little videos until I am discovered. ❤❤❤Best wishes to everyone on here. Keep pushing and loving what you do. 🎉🎉 to the future!!


I am 67 and took the Economic Ninja challenge to start a YT channel. I was a cop for 30 years, and I talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly. So far, no one is watching. Maybe that will change. I hope so.


One month 350+ subs and loving the process!


It's funny that I found your video at this moment in my life, man... I truly feel every single word you said. To share a bit about myself, I'm a 38-year-old guy from Peru, and I’ve been working in tourism for almost a decade. However, I've decided to restart my forgotten YouTube channel because I want to share the stories in my mind with the world. My videos aren’t good enough yet to reach my ideal audience (just people that share the same interest as me), but after hearing your words, I feel more inspired to keep pushing harder and create higher-quality content.
Thanks for sharing this message. Greetings from Peru!


Great story! Being a YouTuber is very similar to running your own business. You should upload things people want to see, just like businessman should offer product/service that people need. And when the growth becomes real, you can consider hiring people to help you run your channel more efficiently. The most difficult part is starting and growing of course, but consistency and hard work (with a little bit of help from Fame- ster of course) will always pay off at the end.